Core Pilates workouts for abs that you can do at home includes crunches on your exercise mat.

8 Core Pilates Workouts From A Celeb Trainer That’ll Sculpt Your Abs This Summer

Bring these moves to the beach.

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Celebrity Pilates trainer and founder of Natural Pilates, Laura Wilson, tells Elite Daily your core is ‘the powerhouse’ in Pilates. It covers not just your abs, but your spine and glutes as well. In addition to having a toned mid-section, a strong core can help with back pain and getting your body to move more efficiently.

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“Summer is definitely a time when we want to look as fit and toned as possible,” Wilson shares, which is why she suggests these core Pilates exercises that focus on your abs. Wilson says that depending on how you feel about getting sand in your hair, you could even do this full Pilates routine at the beach. Even if you just do a quick 15-minute Pilates workout in the morning, you’ll feel ready to take on whatever the day brings.

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