7 Thoughts I Had About Marriage Before And After Tying The Knot
Tying the knot is one of the biggest milestones of your life.
I'd be lying if I told you the process of getting engaged, and then getting married, wasn't thought-provoking, stressful, and intense at times.
Despite what those dang Disney movies say, it's so much more than just falling in love. Any person faced with a pivotal decision in their life can tell you that it's hard to put all of your thoughts on a leash.
I'm completely in love, but that's only the beginning if you're contemplating marriage, and once you become husband and wife.
I always seemed to come back to these same seven questions and claims about marriage before I tied the knot, and even now that I'm a wifey.
1. Every Marriage Is Different
Don't let the solid word "marriage" stump you. It may describe the union millions of people have, but each scenario is incredibly different.
This isn't a hard idea to grasp once you're married, but it's an extremely useful concept to hold onto.
2. It's Not As Confining As Some People May Say
I'm a trailblazing Aries.
Needless to say, I already knew the controlling type was not going to do me any good. My husband never has, and never will, try to clip my wings, nor does he frame our marriage as something that "keeps me put."
Even before the "I do's," I knew being a married woman would be an amazing new part of me... but not necessarily all that I am.
3. It's Not Just Signing A Piece Of Paper
I'll admit, I toyed with this idea for quite some time.
Yes, you do sign a piece of paper, but it genuinely is so much more than just that.
Of course, people are happy without getting married, there's no doubt about it. But, if you did sign along the dotted line and read your beautiful vows, you know that piece of paper opens up a new adventure and many experiences you face together.
4. Am I Wifey Material?
Just like there isn't one type of marriage, there isn't one type of wife, either.
I've always been an innovator, so I saw putting on the wife hat as another chance for me to make my own definition. Because, let's be honest: Conformity stinks.
5. Will We Always Love Each Other The Same?
This can be a scary thought before you get married, because you're still in that almost-there, excited phase. Once you're married, though, you realize things change... and not necessarily in a bad way.
You're falling in love with new things about each other every single day. So, will my hubby and I always love each other the same? No. Personally, I wouldn't want that, because that means I haven't grown, and we haven't grown.
6. Communication Is Seriously Important
As much as I hate cliché sayings, this one is for real. It sucks to be an open book when certain situations make you want to shut everyone out.
But, you really can't go wrong with being open and honest, which is why this thought of talking things out stayed with me before and after tying the knot.
7. Your Marriage Is Your Business
With the openness social media provides society with, people don't hold back on posting about all things about their personal life.
People are so into it, you can seriously trace all of the ups and downs of a couple's relationship just by checking their Facebook pages.
I've always been a private person and knew before and after I got married that what happens between us, stays between us -- ring, or no ring.
I'm certainly no expert, but I can say from the experience of being married so far, trust your own beliefs and thoughts.
Make your own happy ever after, together.