
5 Reasons Why We Need A Generation Of Effective Communicators

by Caroline McGuire

While there are many important components two people need to have to make a successful relationship, none is more important than communication.

Communication is the pillar of a thriving relationship of any kind, whether it be a friendship or a relationship with a family member or a significant other.

Communication is largely based off trust, another important aspect of successful companionship.

In an age where technology often causes dialogue to get “lost in translation,” it is so imperative that we effectively utilize our communicative skills.

Here are five reasons why it is vital to effectively communicate to one another in any kind of relationship:

1. No one is a mind-reader

Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Being passive aggressive is both annoying and a waste of time. Ladies, stop responding with “I'm fine” when someone asks you if something is wrong.

People aren't as intuitive as you'd like them to be, and they may not pick up on the underlying messages in your curt and confusing responses.

And guys, stop saying the exact opposite of what you really mean. If anyone is ever going to take you seriously, your message should be clear.

Communication is a building block of trust, and without it we'd always be one step forward and two steps back.

According to the Journal of the Association for Communication Administration:

"Beyond the confines of school, oral communication competence can contribute to individuals' social adjustment and participation in satisfying interpersonal relationships. Youngsters with poor communication skills are sometimes viewed as less attractive by their peers and enjoy fewer friendships."

2. Technology

It's sad but true that punctuation can dictate the level of hostility in a conversation via email or text. It's so easy to hide behind a screen when confronting someone.

Somewhere between the iPod Mini and the iPhone 6, people have forgotten what it means to have real face-to-face contact.

In-person dialogue eliminates the uncertainty present in an email or text because it's so much more than just an exchange of words.

One can easily analyze a person's facial expressions and body language to unearth what he or she is really trying to say.

3. Bottling things up doesn't help anyone

This point is interconnected with number one. Keeping things inside and then exploding later on does nothing more than create more turmoil and havoc.

All of a sudden, a minor disagreement morphs into World War III, and your partner is wondering why (what seemed like) insignificant details from three months ago are now surfacing.

4. Your feelings are important

A relationship is a two-way street. Sometimes, you may feel like your feelings are being invalidated, and that could very well be the case. But on the other hand, did you really even vocalize them to begin with?

In order for others to acknowledge your feelings, you need to communicate and take ownership of them.

5. Teamwork

As the marketplace becomes more and more global, companies are becoming more teamwork-oriented.

Participating on a team requires a myriad of skills, such as hard work ethic, enthusiasm and multitasking abilities.

However, nothing would get accomplished in the group without communication skills.

Team members need to be able to effectively converse about who is doing what, how tasks should be accomplished and when assignments should be complete.

Likewise, teammates need to be able to confront a peer if he or she is not pulling his or her own weight. Communication is essential to the success of a team.

According to a New York Times article:

“Most surprisingly, the most important ingredients for a smart team remained constant regardless of its interaction: members who communicated a lot, participated equally and possessed good emotion-reading skills.”