Working Remotely From Anywhere In The World Is Possible, Even For STEM Majors
Our crazy advances in technology have changed everything from the way we communicate with our friends to the way we select our weekend plans. It's also changing the way we work -- by eliminating the need to be in an office.
As more positions are becoming remote, people are realizing working a 9-5 sitting at a desk in an office doesn't have to be their future -- unless they want it to be (and let's face it, sitting at the same desk in a dim office isn't most people's ideal scenario).
A common concern, though, is that remote careers just won't pay as much because of the types of remote careers they think are available. Many college students are currently studying science and math, especially because STEM majors continue to be some of the top money making majors -- which is very appealing after spending thousands on a college education.
Many seem to think remote work won't be an option for them if they follow their dreams of engineering or science, but that's because we're still looking at these fields through a smaller scope then we should and can at this point.
A recent study showed some 60 percent of office jobs will be remote by 2022. Another study suggested the 'standard' working hours won't even exist in 25 years, while another showed happier, more productive employees worked at home instead of in an office.
Businesses are beginning to pay attention to this trend and people are beginning to create opportunities to let most career fields evolve.
Imagine taking your laptop to the park while sitting leisurely under a fall tree -- yup, that's your new office. This daydream is entirely possible, no matter what path you pursue. Here are some career paths you might not have realized would allow you to work remotely.
If design is your passion, an office doesn't need to be where you spend your week. Technology and design go hand in hand these days, making STEM majors ideal for design work.
There are plenty of companies who are sourcing their design employees remotely. Designers for software companies, product designers, graphic designers and web designers are all needed for remote work and of course, there's always freelancing that can be done from home.
I'm sure this one comes as a bit of a shock, seeing as you rarely hear about work-from-home engineers.
But it's true! Many companies are hiring remote service engineers, network security engineers, software development engineers and so many more. Some are completely remote and some are only partially remote, but still, it's an option that's available and ready for the choosing.
You can't get more involved in the math portion of the STEM majors than finance, where you'll work with numbers all day long -- which might be a little more appealing working from your couch than in an office.
Positions like finance consultants, finance managers and financial advisors are all jobs that have transitioned to being available remotely as well.
A common image is that of a scientist in a white coat working in a lab, but that's not always the case anymore. There's actually a plethora of remote science positions.
Granted, not all of them are fully remote, but many offer a split schedule, allowing you to spend plenty of days out of your lab or office.
There are positions as an online science teacher or jobs available as a virtual child and/or general psychiatrist. Virtual nurses and remote clinical oncology specialists are a reality now, too.
This may sound totally unreal, but with technology connecting us more, the idea of working from home is becoming increasingly accepted in our culture.
The choice to take your career into your own hands and create a comfortable space or have a change of pace is completely available. You just have to decide whether or not you want to take it.