
What Productivity Apps You Need To Download When You Just Can't Focus

by Hicks Crawford

The pomp and circumstance has ended, the caps have floated back to earth and you're ready to take on the world. Yes, the real world is tough. But you're tougher.

Below is a collection of incredible apps designed to make your life easier, more productive and more enjoyable. Besides, who doesn't want to spend less time doing the boring things in life?

1. Wake up: Time is money.

Toggl is a simple, free app designed to help you keep track of how you spend your time. Wake up: You're officially a full-fledged adult with adult responsibilities.

If you can't manage your time, you'll end up wasting opportunities and forgetting to get the things done in your life that impact your future.

Keep track of your time. Make a game out of becoming more efficient, and save time for the fun things you'd rather spend your days doing.

2. Are you thinking about launching a startup?

We all want to be the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. But are you really up to the challenge?

Well, if you think you have the guts, determination and stamina to see things through, you need to figure out how to connect with the media in order to get your story out there. Without this buzz, your startup will have a hard time gaining traction.

Thankfully, there's an app that can connect you to journalists from around the world. If your company is relevant to their publications, you will have the opportunity to match with them on the app, Upitch.

3. Put your money where your mouth is.

If you believe in something as an adult, there will be some way for you to put your money where your mouth is. Whether it's a bet on who'll be sitting on the Iron Throne at the conclusion of HBO's "Game Of Thrones" or your purchasing decisions in the free market, your money speaks volumes about you.

Do you have an emergency fund? Are you investing in your future? Are you generating enough income to support yourself?

While everyone can benefit from reading Dave Ramsey's bestselling book, "Total Money Makeover," there are a ton of amazing apps that can help you manage your money and stay on track for the future.

Mint helps users track expenses, set savings goals and even configure investment portfolios. The best part is, it's free. But there are some pretty cool paid features that can be unlocked with an in-app purchase.

4. Communication is critical.

No, Facebook doesn't count. Communicating with your colleagues at work allows you to stay in the loop and maintain a presence in your manager's mind. This is especially important when it comes to future promotions.

The easiest app to use for team-wide communication is Slack. You can create channels to minimize confusion, and you can focus conversations around specific tasks.

Plus, your communication isn't limited to mobile platforms. PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices are all fully connected to the Slack platform, which is free for small teams.

The real world is a pain in the butt. You're going to have to do a lot of things you'd rather not do in order to afford that amazing lifestyle you've always dreamed of having.

Whether it's showing up early for work or staying late to wrap up your projects, life is about tradeoffs. If you can learn to manage your time more effectively, you'll be in a position to really enjoy everything that life has to offer.

Plus, who doesn't like a promotion and the respect of one's peers? Budget your money and time while communicating your priorities to your team. You'll find that life's a lot easier when everyone's playing off the same sheet of music.