
It's Personal: 4 Subjects You Should Avoid When Meeting Someone New

by Christine Saad

There is nothing worse than when someone asks you a completely inappropriate personal question.

As young adults, there are many touchy subjects that come up in day-to-day conversations with peers, friends, family members and work colleagues.

Perhaps, it's difficult for people to know what's appropriate to ask someone, or maybe, they just don't care if they're being rude. But, there are just some things people should never ask others.

So, in order to be professional and polite young adults, here are some of the subjects we should avoid in conversation:

1. Education

Regardless of what type of education someone is pursuing, you simply do not ask certain questions: What's your GPA? What grade did you get on an exam or in a class? Did you get accepted into school?

2. Finances

It doesn't matter what monetary topic you're discussing; you should never ask someone the following: How much money do you make? How can you afford that? Who is paying for you?

3. Relationships

All people have different types of relationships in their lives, which is why you never ask questions like the following: What type of issues or arguments do you two have? What did he or she get you as a gift? Other personal questions regarding sex, living arrangements or secrets.

4. Health

Not everyone is 100 percent healthy, so that gives you no right to ask certain questions: How often do you go to the gym? Are you really going to eat that? Do you take any medication?

If you're reading these over and thinking, "Why on earth wouldn't I ask those questions? I want to know the answers," then here's a little advice:

Education is a personal subject. Just because someone isn't a straight-A student, it doesn't mean he or she isn't as smart as someone who is.

Asking people about their grades is rude, and it implies that judgment will follow. No one is perfect, and even a straight-A student may not be the all-around smartest person. Grade don't make someone smart.

If people wish to share their successes with you, by all means, congratulate them. But, never pry for answers about how well they're doing while they're pursuing education.

Finances are extremely personal, and you should never ask people about their incomes or their spending habits.

Some people work extra long days and multiple jobs in order to save up what they can, which is perfectly fine. Some people have assistance from their families, which is also completely acceptable.

It doesn't matter how much money someone is making. It doesn't make him or her a better or worse person, so don't even think about how much he or she is earning or has saved up.

No one should be shamed by questions about having money or not having money. It's his or her own business.

Relationships vary in so many ways. Whether it's a relationship between a mother and daughter, a boyfriend and girlfriend or even just a friendship between two people, what goes on between any of them is their business, not yours.

Not every relationship is perfect. And no relationship is for you to pick apart.

What two people choose to give one another is also none of your business. For example, milestone celebrations can be celebrated with either huge diamonds or hand-written notes. To each his own.

Health is something undeniably personal. Wellness is not always on the top of everyone's list, and it's his or her business if he or she chooses to eat a hamburger and not go to the gym.

Often times, people have medical issues no one even knows about. And the reason behind that is they don't want anyone to know.

Be polite, and avoid any medical questions that fall under a personal category. If they want to inform you about what's going on with their health, they will voluntarily provide information.

It can be hard to tell what's appropriate to ask and what's not, especially when you become so comfortable with the people you're constantly surrounded by. The best thing you can do is be polite about everything, even if you're talking to you best friend who you think tells you everything.

Let others inform you of the personal details of their lives when, and if, they want to.