7 'Mom' Outfits From The '90s We Would Still Totally Wear Today
Growing up in the '90s, we couldn't stand what our mothers' wardrobes looked like.
“Mom, why are you wearing that? It's embarrassing!” we would scream when we'd have to go out in public with our moms. They'd be decked out with visors on their heads and fanny packs around their waists. Every mom had the same style, but somehow, everything our moms wore was absolutely awful. What were they thinking?
Now, we're in the middle of 2016, and we have become our moms. Approaching the age my mom was when I was embarrassed by her clothing, I now look in the mirror and see her, high-waisted jeans and all.
Gen-Y, I never thought we would say this, but we are spitting images of our '90s mothers. If your mom kept her clothes, raid her closet because the '90s are back, baby.
So, what exactly came back into style from our moms' '90s attire? You can probably think of several different trends you saw your mom wear as a child that you or someone you know now dons proudly.
Let's take a look at what we are wearing now that we could have found in our moms' closets during the '90s:
1. Fanny Pack
Ah, the ever so popular fanny pack. It's the little kangaroo pouch that's worn around your waist in lieu of lugging around a purse or bag. They came in so many colors, but matching didn't matter in the '90s. You could wear that hot pink fanny pack with your green shirt any day.
The purse-belt could hold lipstick, cash (but not your wallet), keys and maybe some gum. It's focused on convenience. I still hate this trend with a passion, but it has come back flashier than ever. I guess we became lazy again and can't bear to hold our purses.
2. High-Waisted Jeans
We could never quite figure out why our moms wore their jeans up to their chest, so we rebelled as teenagers and wore shorts that barely covered our asses. High-waisted jeans, pants and shorts are in style again, and now we love them. Acid wash and “mom jeans” are also now a thing, so we can dress just like our mothers. How cute.
3. Overalls
They're back, and they're not quite different than they were before. I admit, I had a pair in first grade, and I loved those things.
Now in 2016, they're also available in shorts and pants, so you can have them for all types of weather. Don't forget to leave one unstrapped, though. You're not cool unless you unbuckle one and throw it over your shoulder.
4. Combat Boots
This is one of my favorite comebacks of all time. The combat, army-type boots that lace the whole way up were something our moms and teens wore in the '90s.
They did — and still do — have that grungy feel to them. You can literally pair them with anything, and they won't steer you wrong. Who doesn't love to feel a little edgy now and again?
5. Flannels
This is another one of my favorites on this list. Everyone and their mother (yeah, I went there) loves flannels. You can't have just one; you have to buy a few in various colors.
Remember the “tied jacket around waist” trend? Well, as flannels became popular again, so did that trend. You're not a true sorority girl unless there's a flannel around your waist.
6. Denim Jackets
All denim everything: That's what the '90s was all about. Moms had a plethora of it in their closets from jeans, jackets, shirts and vests to purses and hats.
Denim has been a lot more in style lately, with denim jackets being a mandatory part of your outerwear collection. We've also been wearing chambray shirts, which show our love for denim. Thanks, Mom, for introducing me to a fabric that could style my entire body.
7. Crazy Colors And Patterns
The '90s were known for their outrageous color schemes that didn't seem to match or make any sense. The crazy, abstract, patterned shirts combined colors like green, orange and blue. Who thought those colors went together?
Now, we're wearing all kinds of patterns in our clothing – like Aztec and plaid — with some that are a little out there in color. We've been learning to not be so afraid of colors and of wearing mismatched clothes again.
How many of these items are in your closet right now? Don't even try to deny it; you definitely have high-waisted shorts or a denim jacket. You also know very damn well that your mom used to own them.
Make sure you thank your mama this Mother's Day for prepping you for the world of fashion two and a half decades ahead of time. The '90s are back, and we couldn't be happier to live in such an influential era of fashion.