Maybe You’re The Common Denominator
Too many people these days flaunt their unhappiness through social media, making it quite difficult to ignore. I hate my job; I hate my boyfriend/girlfriend, blah blah blah. Shut up.
This is a public forum, not your diary. Life’s tough, get a helmet. Stop announcing your problems to the rest of the world who could not give less of a sh*t. When it comes down to it, maybe the problem isn’t the world, maybe it’s you. Maybe you are the reason your significant other is acting like an a**hole and maybe you hate your job because you have a poor attitude.
“When we keep making the same mistakes time & times again, at some point you’ve got to ask yourself why isn’t anything being done about it.”
Learn to take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming other people. This is a crucial aspect to growing up. People who cannot take responsibility for themselves often have difficulty apologizing. These are the most frustrating types of people to deal with. It’s one thing to make a mistake and apologize, but it is quite another to make a mistake and deny it.
The point of making mistakes is to learn from them, not to repeat them. You have no one to blame but yourself if you are continuously experiencing bad outcomes. If all of your relationships have failed in the past, have you ever considered that you’re the problem? Look at your actions and try to understand if this is the reason that things went wrong. Do you have a certain type that you only date? Maybe you should switch it up. Idiots. STOP BLAMING EXTERNAL CAUSES FOR INTERNAL ISSUES!
“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons or the wind. But you can change yourself.”
By taking responsibility for yourself, you become much more aware of the connection between your internal and external world. There is no one else to blame for the outcome of your life but yourself.
As much as you can be the common denominator for your failures, you can also be that for your happiness. Cut the negativity out of your life and cut out the disastrous patterns of dating you have grown so accustomed to. When you eliminate all these negative aspects from your life, that’s when you can start to rebuild. We all make mistakes, but if you keep making the same mistakes over and over, they become habits and thus a lifestyle.
When something you don’t like keeps happening to you, at some point you need a little introspection. Look at the role you play in these situations and examine their meaning and effect. You need to take control over your life and stop making the same stupid f*cking choices. As Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”