
Love-Hate Relationship: 8 Reasons Sundays Make Us Feel Some Type Of Way

by Brianna Susnak
Maximilian Guy Mcnair

Sundays, in many ways, are like the month of August: While you're still caught up in the final, lazy weeks of summer, you can't shake the looming feeling of a new school year on the horizon.

The last day of the weekend is no different. Whether you're spending quality time with the family, kicking back at the game with friends or hitting the books by yourself, the busy week ahead is somehow always in the back of your mind.

While everyone's philosophy on Sundays is a little different, we all have one thing in common: We can't help but feel a little guilty about the way we spend our precious time.

Regardless of how we try to justify our guilt, procrastination or productivity, nothing is going to change our love/hate relationship with Sundays. Here's why:

Love: You can sleep the day away (and get away with it).

Whether you're sleeping off a hangover or recovering from a rough week of work, nobody's going to blame you if you roll out of bed at noon, only to spend the day "Netflix and chilling" solo.

After all, there's no shame in taking the "day of rest" literally.

Hate: You don't ALWAYS get away with it.

When you opt for no alarm on the weekends, you're setting yourself up for all kinds of stress and FOMO.

All of a sudden, it's 1 pm and you've forgotten about the brunch you promised you'd be at. You also overslept for the group study session and missed three buses.

Don't even pretend like you're going to have enough time to hit the gym.

Love: Did someone say brunch?

Whether you're hitting a diner downtown or just having friends over to your place, there's nothing better than sleeping in, waking up and indulging in a giant, two-in-one meal to start the day.

Oh, and there's usually bacon.

Hate: Food. Lots of food.

For some reason, a lot of typical Sunday activities involve eating. Whether you're ordering in an extra-large pizza, eating ice cream in bed while binge-watching "Orange is the New Black" or downing nachos with friends during the football game, it's probably not healthy.

Love/Hate: You feel obligated to exercise.

But, of course, it's a Sunday, and so does everyone else. So don't be surprised when you're waiting in line for a treadmill at the gym while your entire neighborhood is too.

You want to put in your headphones and drown out their office gossip, but you're having too much fun eavesdropping.

Hate: You start thinking about work, too.

Then, your mind drifts to Monday mornings and the thought of your alarm going off at 7 am. And the giant pile of emails that will be waiting for you the second you sit down at your desk.

Cue feelings of stress, frustration and downright guilt about the fact you're wasting your precious weekend time doing nothing.

Hate: At some point, you attempt to get your sh*t together.

Whether you dive into that pile of emails early, get a jumpstart on the massive group project you've been dreading or spontaneously vacuum the house, you make some sort of valiant effort to be productive.

For a fleeting moment, you feel really good about it.

Love: You remember it's still the freaking weekend.

Now, you scold yourself for completely missing the point of the holy day and return to your favorite spot on the couch, with the TV on and beer in hand.

Because, after all the guilt, procrastination and going around in circles, you're pretty sure this is what God intended.