Look Up: How You'll Benefit From Putting Down Your Phone And Being Present
In a person’s down time, he or she is most likely sifting through emails or browsing Instagram. Instead of using technology for what it is, a helpful utensil, it has become an unhealthy necessity.
Checking our phones constantly is becoming inherent, almost like an obsession. I’m sure some, even myself, can say they are guilty of the daily and senseless swiping and clicking.
The need to post and share your life, along with reading the updates of others, is an unusual attachment we are developing.
More importantly, it devalues what it means to be present and here.
When you go out to dinner with your friends, instead of half-talking and half-texting someone else, put the phone down and be 100 percent present.
Laugh and talk because someone you care about is sitting a couple of feet away from you, and is most likely not interested in staring at the top of your head as you text under the table.
Nowadays at concerts, instead of experiencing the magic of live music, the crowd is too busy trying to preserve the moment, losing that magic. I’ve attended concerts where all I see are phones in the air capturing over a hundred blurry photos.
Put the phone in your pocket and enjoy the amazing performance that is happening right in front of your eyes; there is no need to watch a live concert through your phone.
Similarly, hikes are centered on relishing the natural beauty of the world. Instead of taking 45 pictures of the waterfall, take 45 minutes to sit and enjoy it.
It’s always nice to close your eyes and listen to what’s around you, and it’s more relaxing to slow your mind and take in the environment in lieu of spending 10 minutes picking an appropriate filter for your photo.
The more you document every second of your journey, the bigger the disconnect between you and nature will be.
Of course, it's okay to take photos and to reconnect on social media, but it is also important to remember not to become codependent. This generation needs to start becoming conscious of our attachment on technology because it’s creating more serious problems, like texting and driving.
It’s addicting to want to know everyone’s business, but your true existence is more important. Rather than living vicariously through others, you can fully engage in your life, which is much more valuable than any post.
If you are truly interested in catching up, invite someone to coffee instead of stalking his or her profile.
There are so many things that a person can observe, even in the smallest town. The people who pass you every day can either be ignored or recognized, and by absent-mindedly looking at your phone, you are slowly shutting out the world.
If you’re looking down, how will you observe the quietness on the bus ride, the lonely girl sitting two rows in front of you reading your favorite book or the genuine smile from the bus driver when you get off at your stop?
If you choose to notice the wonderful details life hands you, it can be surprising to see how much more you receive in turn, just by looking up.
Photo Courtesy VK