
Here's How To Watch The Solar Eclipse With Those Binoculars Collecting Dust In Your Closet

by Theresa Massony
Alexey Kuzma/Stocksy

Today is the day we've all been waiting for, you guys. No, I didn't win the lottery, but thanks for asking, and I'm not thrilled you had to rub it in. Today is the day the 2017 solar eclipse comes to rock all of our worlds for, like three minutes max. It's kind of like sex, only less strenuous.

If the eclipse hasn't happened yet where you live, and you're worried you won't get eclipse glasses in time, don't worry, because there's something else you can use: binoculars. Now, if you're wondering how to watch the solar eclipse with binoculars, also don't worry. I got you covered. So pull them out of the back of your closet, and let's go.

The most important thing to remember here is NOT to point binoculars directly at the eclipse, according to Business Insider. Instead, grab a piece of paper and make it so that the eye pieces (where you look out of) are facing the piece of paper. Then, you can point the binoculars at the eclipse and see the solar eclipse projected onto another surface.

Bryan Rupp

If you're looking for a fancier way to set up your binoculars, you could also pull out that old tripod that was totally collecting dust next to the binoculars just to make your eclipse viewing experience ~premium~. According to, you'll need your binoculars, a tripod, a piece of paper, duct tape, and a piece of cardboard. First, cut out holes the size of the lenses on your binoculars (not the eyepieces) in the piece of cardboard. Then, duct tape those binocs to your tripod, and place the piece of cardboard on the lenses, so that they're sticking out of the cardboard.

With me so far? Next, point the binoculars toward the sun (but don't look at the freaking sun yourself). Finally, adjust the piece of white paper on the ground until you see the eclipse projected on it. And voila! You have a cool way to see the eclipse, minus eclipse glasses and minus ruining your eyes forever!

Remember, you should NOT be looking through the binoculars to do this! Binoculars magnify objects, they don't protect your eyes from the sun. So for the love of God, do not look at the eclipse AT ALL today unless you have legit protective eyewear. Now, go enjoy the eclipse, and rest assured it's definitely going to be the greatest three-ish minutes of your life.

Spencer Platt / Getty Images