Here's How You Can Tap Into Your Past Lives, According To An Expert
Have you ever waited for a text back for so long, you start wondering if you were a debt collector in a past life? I f*cking have. I am right now, actually.
Past lives are a fun thing to think about when you're over the life you're living now and you're wondering why it sucks so much.
That sounds like a joke, but it's true.
If you've ever been stuck in a bad place, and terrible things keep happening, you might start to wonder if any of it is karma from a past life catching up with you.
Peter Loffredo, a holistic therapist and a licensed clinical social worker, helps his clients answer that question with a method called past life regression therapy. Elite Daily spoke with Loffredo about the process.
Here's what past life regression therapy is.
Essentially, this kind of therapy is like taking a trip through your subconscious memory. It's a bit like hypnosis, although you're never actually hypnotized.
You're conscious the entire time, although you go into a deep meditation and take yourself on a journey into your own past lives.
Loffredo, who writes one of the best therapeutic blogs on the internet — Full Permission Living — facilitates his clients through a guided meditation as they "go into a light, trance-like state" in which he then asks them to visualize their higher self, whatever image that brings to mind.
When his clients have reached the right level of meditative relaxation, Loffredo then asks them to "ask your higher self what lifetime you can go into now that might be having an impact on you in this lifetime."
This form of therapy can squash stress.
The overall effect of a past life session is the quelling of any stress one might be feeling about why something is happening in their life.
Loffredo mentioned one client who suffered from chronic asthma, although the attacks were occurring only once a year on the anniversary of his father's death. Each year, he would suffer an attack that was bad enough to require hospitalization.
In one past life session, the client went into a lifetime where it was revealed to him that he was buried alive, and in the session he went through his death as his lungs filled with dirt.
"When the session was over, [my client] said to me, how cool it was for him to experience death in one lifetime and to travel back to this one, to experience death and to realize you never really die," said Loffredo.
I asked Loffredo if the asthma attacks have been cured, and time will tell, as the attacks only occurred on the anniversary of the death of his client's father, and it hasn't yet been a year.
But what the session did do was put to rest any question in the client's mind as to whether or not the attacks had a connection to past life karma.
Being skeptical is natural.
The most natural and common reaction to have in a past life regression therapy session is to feel as if you're making the entire thing up.
Loffredo has a refreshingly logical answer for the skeptics:
People often ask the question of whether or not they've made the whole thing up, and my answer is, of course you have. But you're making everything else up, including the life you're living now.
It's true. When you stop to think about your own life, everything is the result of a number of choices you've made and the meaning you've assigned to them.
It may not be for everyone, but if you've ever been curious, looking into a past life could offer answers to questions you might have. At the very least, it's a fun way to explore your own spirituality.
You can always attempt to try this on your own as well.
There are plenty of guided meditations for past life regression on YouTube that you can try from the comfort of your own home.
As long as you're able to move past your own skepticism, this can be an incredibly healing exercise in learning to trust the stories you tell yourself and the power they can have over you.
Not to mention, you could finally get some kind of answer as to why you always date people who are constantly going through a crisis; you could've been an ER doctor.
...If only you made that kind of money now, am I right?