3 Things You Need To Do If You Feel Conflicted About Accepting A Job Offer
These days, it's so easy to get lost when it comes to figuring out what we want to do with our lives.
As kids, we may dream to be firefighters or doctors. But then as we grow, our minds get distracted. We lose sight of our dreams.
Whether we had a teacher tell us we weren't smart enough or someone told us we were too weak, we develop these limiting beliefs about what we can achieve.
This belief system stunts our growth and plays with our mind. It tells us we have to find a career that we can do.
Most people seek stability in their life, meaning they will settle for a job because it will bring them security instead of pushing themselves to go after what their heart desires.
What's even worse is, this mind trick prevents us from even knowing what our true passions and desires are.
Recently, I had a similar experience. After applying to a writing position, which would be a career change for me, I got a phone interview. I was excited, but didn't think too much about it.
When the interview came, it went swimmingly. The vibe was there. But then, it happened: My mind started jumping to the future.
This position would have required me to relocate. I was thinking about all the stuff I would have to sell and how I would prepare my departure and where I'd live in my new city. And then, I received an email from the employer that asked me to come in for an in-person interview.
I lost it. I was totally overwhelmed and excited and nervous.
I decided to be logical. I said I could be there on a couple weeks. Well, that wasn't good enough for them. They needed me to come in sooner than I could.
And so, the company took back the in-person interview. When that email showed in my inbox, I immediately felt like I got punched in the stomach. I got extremely emotional.
It was this emotion that showed me how much I truly wanted this new career path.
So, here are a few ways you can also figure out what your heart desires and what your logical brain wants.
1. Journal.
Writing is one of the best ways to get to your emotions. It's also a great way to figure out what is truly in your heart.
Sometimes, I will write for 15 minutes, just putting all my thoughts on paper. By going through my desires and feelings, it allows me to take a step back and acknowledge how I feel about various situations.
2. Meditate.
Meditation has been my saving grace. It's only in stillness that we can quiet our busy, racing minds and begin to tune into our hearts.
Listen to your intuition and let that feeling guide you. It can scare the shit out of your logical mind, but it's OK. Take the risk anyway.
The feeling of getting what your heart desires is so much more worthwhile than staying in your comfort zone, being constantly fearful of taking that leap of faith.
3. Imagine yourself not having the thing you desire.
In my case, losing that potential interview (job) caused me physical and emotional pain. That's how I knew I had to pursue this passion of mine.
When you imagine your life without this job, significant other or your desire of choice, how do you feel? Are still happy and comfortable? Or, do you feel sick to your stomach and emotional?
This is the true test of what you really want. It's your heart's way of speaking to you. Listen to it. It will never steer you wrong.
Most of us have been raised to listen to our minds and to always be logical. And yet, the majority of us have defied that way of thinking. There's nothing wrong with being a dreamer.
Life circumstances may have dimmed some of those dreams, but certain experiences can reinvigorate the little dreamers inside all of us.
So, go out there and allow the free spirit inside to shine through.