
Picture Perfect: Why Gen-Y Can't Shake The Need For Perfection

by Nicole Cottrell

When someone asks us what we’d like to change about ourselves, we instantly know what to say.

I’d like to shave a few inches off my height, shrink my forehead small enough for a middle part and make my teeth symmetrical. And that’s just the start; trust me.

But when we’re asked to highlight our favorite features, we struggle.

We deliberate over whether our average eyes or mediocre smile is better. And nine times out of 10, we claim we don’t have one out of fear of appearing arrogant.

As human beings living in 2015, we’ve become unappreciative and judgemental, comparing ourselves to Victoria's Secret angels and Instagram explore page strangers.

But why do we do this when being perfect is universally unrealistic?

Don’t get me wrong; there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking pride in our appearance. But when there’s so much pressure to do so, it becomes a bit of a chore.

It becomes tiring, exhausting even, to even attempt to do so. This is why wanting to be perfect should be at the bottom of our list of aspirations.

Perfect doesn’t exist. Well, it does, in a very subjective form, but not in a universal manner.

My version of perfect won’t be the same as yours, which is why striving to be perfect is an unattainable aspiration to have.

Embracing our flaws is a fundamental life lesson because without them, life would be boring as hell.

Regardless of what we have, there will always be something we want to change.

But think of how many personal jokes, anecdotes and memories we wouldn’t have experienced without our flaws.

Perfect people don’t sneeze seven times in a row, snort when they laugh or say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Normal human beings do.

We ordinary people have thoughts, feelings and emotions we aren’t afraid to voice. We have bad habits, annoying traits and imperfections, but so what? F*ck perfection.

Wishing we were a little different isn't a crime; it's inevitable because we naturally crave what we don't have.

Perfect people don't insult others or stand up for themselves, so what's desirable about wanting to be stripped of our personalities?

Growing up, life is all about accepting the things we can’t change and making the most of what we’re given.

Why aren’t we doing that day in and day out?

It’s pointless wasting time and energy on actively trying to be something we're not. Life is all about color and personality, not perfectly shaped eyebrows and thigh gaps.

Looking after ourselves and making a conscious effort to do so may be ingrained within us, but we shouldn’t aspire to be perfect.

Our flaws make us unique and unlike any other human being, so why on earth should we want to swap that for perfection?

If everyone was perfect, we’d all be distinctly average. What would be the fun in that?

People have their own versions of perfect, which makes it even more important not to live by the motto that we’re not good enough.

Because to some people, we are perfect.

All of our flaws, negative attributes and mistakes form the foundation of who we are, which is something we should never strive to erase.

The dimples in our cheeks, freckles on our noses and laugh lines on our faces are special because not everybody has them.

Our insecurities don't define us, and although the future may not hold the perfection we desperately desire, the unknown is more exciting than the predictability of a boring as f*ck life.

At the end of the day, it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.