15 Things You Should Realize About Dating Before You Turn 25
The older you get, the easier dating seems to be...or not!
LOL, sometimes dating seems to get more complicated as you get older, technology advances, and the dating "rules" switch up.
From ghosting to Netflix and chill-ing to new feminist ideas that inform your sex life, the game is a little different. You'll live, learn, and inevitably mess up.
Still, not everything has to be learned the hard way. Here are a few lessons you should learn about dating before you turn 25.
Your 20s just got a little easier.
1. Dates Still Do Exist
You are not banished to Netflix and Chill for the rest of your life. If you want to go on a date, it's OK for you to ask the person inviting you over if they could take you out instead.
If he or she is interested, then that person will have no problem moving things outside of the home. If he or she says no, it's cool to move along.
2. Online Dating Sites Are Where You Meet People, Not Where You Should Date Them
Save yourself the catfish heartbreak, babe.
3. Not Every Date Will Be "The One"
Fantasizing about how many kids you two will have or which wedding venue you'd select on the first date is common yet still strange. The dating scene churns out a lot of frogs. Besides, there's nothing wrong with a date's only purpose being a great meal and good conversation.
4. Dates Shouldn't Feel Like An Interview
Neither of you should be bombarding each other with question after question on a date. Let the conversation flow seamlessly and ask natural questions that fit the conversation.
5. Ghosting Is Real And Sadly Common, But Doesn't Define You
6. You Don't Have To Accept A "Ghoster" Back Into Your Life
Repeat after me: If he ghosts, then he's toast.
7. There's Nothing Wrong With Cheap Dates
8. Self-Help Books Might Not Always Be What You Need
Playing by the rules is for romantic comedies and even they break them. You don't need an expert to tell you the perfect way to be in order to catch the right person.
9. The Whole "The Guy Always Pays" Thing Is Old
There's nothing wrong with a guy paying for the first date but after a few dates, it's OK to pull out your wallet and offer to cover it.
10. Don't Underestimate Group Dates
I know you want one-on-one time but a group date just might be a fun way to break the ice. There's less pressure to keep up the conversation and you get to just focusing on having a good time.
Of course, this shouldn't be how all of your dates go but it's great to try every once in awhile.
11. Meeting Your Date's Parents Isn't What You Think It Is
Not everyone still has the old rule that only the "special" ones meet their parents. Let time and their actions toward you tell you just how special you are to them.
12. Your Friends Don't Have To Approve
Your best friends have to be there for you, care for you, and make you laugh. They don't have to give you the "OK" for every date.
13. Taking Safety Precautions Still Matters
When you are exploring the dating world, don't let your excitement have you moving silly. Always meet up with people you don't know in public places.
Make sure someone knows where you are when you go off alone. Dating is most fun when you're doing it the safe way.
14. You Can Totally Go On A Date Right After A Breakup
There is no one you have to be loyal to if your commitment is over and both parties are fully aware. Got invited on a date? Step out, then!
15. Your Gut Is Still Clutch
If something doesn't feel right, then it isn't right. Don't be afraid to pass on dates that just don't click with you on the inside. Another date will be along.