Why Nicholas Sparks' Divorce Is The Nail In The Coffin For Hopeless Romantics
In case you haven’t heard, Nicholas Sparks and his wife, Cathy, have officially split.
Ironic, right? It’s extremely difficult to believe the writer of novels like “The Notebook,” “A Walk to Remember” and “The Lucky One” is divorcing from the person with whom he was supposed to spend happily-ever-after.
I’ve been reading Nicholas Sparks’ books for as long as I can remember. As a matter of fact, “Dear John” was the first book I ever read from front to back.
For all Nicholas Sparks fans or hopeless romantics, this news is probably especially heartbreaking. If Sparks, of all people, can’t find his soul mate, can any of us?
His writing allows us to believe we will all one day find The One and it will be worth the wait. So, don’t you feel a little betrayed that a man who writes with such great passion and love has a failing marriage?
So, have all of the lovey doveys of the world lost faith in the notion of finding a person who is like Nicholas Sparks' characters? I know I have.
Here are all of the potential loves of our lives in whom we no longer believe:
Someone who will bring you on a date to an aquarium to swim with the fish
In "The Last Song," Will brings Ronnie on a date to the aquarium where he works. During this scene, he grabs her arm and pulls her in, and they swim with the fish. Yep, looks like we won't be swimming with any fish — just our tears.
Somebody who will hang from a Ferris wheel just to ask you out
In "The Notebook," Noah jumps on the Ferris wheel (while it is rotating!) to sit with Allie and some other dude she was with.
When asked to get out of the seat, Noah hangs on the pole above the Ferris wheel and asks Allie out.
When she says no, Noah lets one hand off the bar, tells her he is slipping, asks her again, and then, she says yes. Boy, if someone ever had the kind of courage to do that for me, I'd be one happy girl. But, too bad.
Someone who will jump in the ocean, just to get your purse that fell over the dock
Another one of Sparks' most popular books, which later developed into a popular film, is "Dear John." In the movie, John sees Savannah with her friends while he's sitting on the other side of the dock.
Savannah's friend accidentally knocks down her purse, and it falls into the ocean, and John jumps in the ocean to retrieve it. Maybe if my purse falls over a dock and into the ocean, someone will jump in to get it? Nope, I'll probably just end up with wet hair and a broken phone.
Someone who will bring you canoeing on a first date
Everyone knows that first dates are, in fact, the most critical of them all. It's when the person gets an idea of who you are, what you're about and whether he or she is even interested in you.
The way into a hopeless romantic's heart is to be creative when picking out what to do on a first date. In "Safe Haven," Alex takes Katie canoeing on their first date, which was a scene lifted from "The Notebook."
I guess we'll just have to settle with dinner and a movie.
Someone who will dance in the middle of the street with you
Noah and Allie from "The Notebook" share a moment when they dance in the middle of the street. This was always my favorite scene in the movie because it was so romantic and fearless.
Well, we can still dance in the middle of the street... alone. Just don't get run over.