16 Obvious Signs You're A True San Diego Girl
I am relatively new to living in San Diego; I grew up about an hour north of the city, did my undergrad in Orange County, and moved here in the summer of 2013 to start law school.
In the past year or so, I have truly come to love this place. I love the weather, the food, the lack of traffic (usually) and, especially, observing the people.
My friends and I have noticed that the following things are standard practices for women who reside in “America’s Finest City”:
1. Wear Yoga Pants EVERWHERE
The fact that yoga pants are a socially acceptable alternative to real pants is my absolute favorite part of living in San Diego.
If I am going to spend the rest of my working life dressing business professional, you better believe I will be taking full advantage of not having to wear real pants on occasion.
2. Take their dogs EVERYWHERE
San Diego is such a dog-friendly city that everywhere you go, someone has her pet in tow.
I don’t have the time for a dog of my own, but when I walk around downtown, I get to see and pet tons of other people’s dogs. I love that, but hate seeing pups in grocery stores — gross.
3. Hike Potato Chip Rock
Every person in this city has the obligatory “Potato Chip Rock” picture SOMEWHERE on his or her social media profile. It’s actually ridiculous.
I looked into the hike when I first moved here and was a bit intimidated at first, but honestly, it can’t be that intense if literally every person AND their mom can do it. Challenge accepted.
4. Brunch (in the Gaslamp, Hillcrest, Old Town and Northpark)
I feel that San Diego is really trying to ramp up its brunch game. The Gaslamp offers over-priced food; Hillcrest has Hash-House (which is so packed, you wont be eating until 1 pm); Old Town has amazing Mexican food, and apparently, North Park is a good mix of everything (except parking).
San Diego doesn’t brunch the way other major cities do it, but it’s not bad.
5. Spin Class
When I first moved here, barre fitness classes were the popular fad, but now, it's back to spin. Women of San Diego LOVE their fitness, and the small business owners can’t open up their studios fast enough.
Crossfit is also pretty popular among the more hardcore of women; the rest of us can’t even fathom deadlifting or squatting extensive amounts of weight, so we do the cardio fads and then treat ourselves to brunch after.
6. Donut Bar
Speaking of the best things to eat after a workout... Donut Bar is so delicious that my mouth is watering as I write this. After I burn hundreds of calories working out, there is nothing I want more than to consume them all again…with donuts.
Get there early, though; they sell out super fast. You can thank me later.
7. Date a Military Guy so you can attend The Marine Corps Ball
I have no experience with this, but apparently, it’s a thing girls in San Diego do. There are two military bases in the area and tons of single, buff marines running around.
From what I have heard, the Marine Corps Ball is one of the best parties in town, so toward the end of the year, practically every girl becomes a marine’s girlfriend.
Who doesn't want to get dressed up and celebrates the men who are protecting our freedom?
Tanning is no longer confined to private places like your backyard, or obvious places like the beach. If there is an undisturbed view of the sun, you can bet there is some San Diego woman lying in it.
When you live in San Diego, it is always bikini season, and you always have to have that perfect tan.
9. Shop and dine at Fashion Valley, and hate every minute of it
I hate Fashion Valley probably more than I have ever hated any other destination. It’s always so crowded and parking is ALWAYS a nightmare.
I would sincerely never go there if it didn't include two of my absolute favorite places to eat — it’s that bad. I feel like that’s the consensus among others, as well.
10. Eat crepes (or boba, or whatever the new food fad is)
Obviously, we love our fads here. Cronuts, boba, crepes, snow bubble -- you name it, we’ve got it somewhere. For crepes, look around La Jolla. For boba, I recommend Kearney Mesa.
11. The obligatory date at Balboa Park
You are not a San Diegan woman until you have gone on a date to Balboa Park. Balboa Park is full of museums and fountains, the San Diego Zoo and all kinds of other random things. It’s also very beautiful and romantic. On Sundays during the summer and fall, there are free concerts, too.
12. The obligatory date at La Jolla Cove
Guys always want to take San Diego women to watch the sunset at La Jolla Cove. I don't love it there, but I understand the romantic appeal, and like every other woman in the city, I have watched the sunset from the cove.
13. Paddleboard (or kayak)
It has to be a coastal city thing. Women of San Diego want to seem (and be) fit, fun and adventurous, which requires a certain level of athleticism. If you are going to kayak, go through the caves at La Jolla Cove to see seals and sea lions.
14. Avoid East County
There is nothing in East County except for Chick-Fil-A and a pretty fantastic milkshake place. Other than that, avoid it at all costs.
15. Root for the Chargers
Ask any female in San Diego who her favorite pro-football team is, and the vast majority will say the Chargers.
As a woman raised as a Bronco girl, I find this weird loyalty to the Chargers to be one of the most annoying aspects of living in the city, especially on the few occasions when they do actually win.
16. Drive past the LDS Mormon San Diego Temple and dream of going inside
Sorry, guys, but if you are not a member of the LDS church, you will have to observe its sheer beauty from the outside. Take my word for it: As pretty as it is on the outside, it's even more beautiful on the inside.
Photo Courtesy: We Heart It