
The 25 GIFs That Perfectly Describe Attending The School Of Visual Arts

by Anonymous

The School of Visual Arts, also known as SVA, is one of the most renowned art schools in the United States. New York City is SVAs playground and the unique individuals that attend this school have no problem taking advantage of it.

When the students aren't filling out transfer papers, you can find them searching for the next best trend to follow or cause to protest against. Here are the 25 GIFs that perfectly describe attending the School of Visual Arts:

1. When you eat at Pick-A-Bagel at least three times a week

2. Your idea of physical activity is carrying your equipment and art supplies across 23rd street

3. You pay $75,000 dollars for a photo degree to work at Brandy Melville

4. Your daily attire can be found in a Ke$ha or Lady Gaga video

5. The richest kids try the hardest to look homeless

6. Why party when you can just drink and talk about how depressed you are in your dorm rooms?

7. Uppers have become your second nature

8. When half of your classmates freshman year are filling out applications to transfer by November

9. The only way you'll actually party is if you have friends at NYU

10. "Once I get my Fresnel lens, no one will stop me"

11. Your exacto knife is your only weapon

12. You can tell what kind of camera someone is using by the sound of the shutter

13. You are too critical to decorate the Christmas tree

14. You ARE Photoshop

15. 70% of your diet is made up of coffee...the other 30% is cigarettes

16. You brag about your paint stains

17. You no longer know how to take a picture without posing

18. Your creative outlet is Instagram

19. You have a weekly rotation of promoters

20. Every night you go out is a fashion show

21. You have to pretend to like your friends' work so you don't offend matter how bad it sucks

22. When you feel as if no one understands how much effort you put into your work

23. A fire drill is nothing more than a smoke break

24. You only find inspiration during class when you're sleeping

25. Each critique you receive on a project has the potential to make you re-evaluate your life