Put A Middle Finger Up To Society: 6 Ways To Cultivate And Flourish In Your Dreams
Sometimes in life, it is completely, utterly and absolutely necessary to put up your middle finger to society and the system to which we've become so accustomed. Life is a gift and it’s our responsibility to make it count – even if that means going against the odds.
We occasionally fall into habits and get suffocated by the expectations that society upholds, like caring about what other people think about who and where and what we are at certain points in life.
Well, we simply aren’t living our lives for society or to solely please other people; our lives are for ourselves. We must create, live and flourish in our own lives.
Here are six points to consider and remember when chasing your dreams:
Excuses: Don’t Have Them
It’s a lot easier to find a reason for why you “can’t” do something. Stop it. We all have the same 24 hours each day in life and if it’s easier for you to find a reason why you can’t over why you can do something, you need to change your outlook.
Turn the negative into the positive. If you believe you aren’t capable of something, you will never know what you can achieve. Don’t limit yourself and your possibilities with poor excuses.
Be Impulsive
If you are in a job, or situation with which you are not happy or feel unfulfilled, get out. We all have bills to pay, need the money, the timing isn’t right, etc. Sometimes, the most momentous and magical things happen when we trust our instincts, impulsively or not.
If you’re in a situation that is wearing you down and making you unhappy, take the steps to get yourself out of it. To avoid excuses, hand in your resignation or give yourself a deadline.
By doing this, you have taken the “excuse” out of the equation. You’re now in a position where you have to do something about what’s lacking in your life.
Relationships (Of Any Kind)
I’ll keep this point short: If a person loves you, he or she will support you. It’s as simple as that. Don’t worry about the “what ifs.” If you have a good person by your side, he or she will only enhance, encourage and empower your choices.
Do What You Have To Do
It won’t be easy; you may have to do a lot of unpaid work or you may have to start from the very bottom. Maybe you forgot what a full night’s sleep feels like, but remember, any progress is good progress. You are working in the right direction and are closer to your goal than you were before.
We all need to financially support ourselves, so until our dreams become realities, it’s likely you will have to work a job that is irrelevant to your overall goal – that’s fine. We all need to feed and clothe ourselves. Don’t be ashamed.
The outcome and the investment you are making in yourself now will payoff for your future self.
Pass The Test
You will be tested multiple times along your journey. There will be difficult times, long hours, no social life and you may even question why, or where things are going. Great things take time. When the struggle appears, trust them. Remember, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.
It’s Never Too Late
It’s not about age, where your friends are in their lives or where you think you should be at this stage in your life.
It is never too late — or too early — to make something happen or count. It is never too late to start your journey or go to college, or teach yourself something new. Knowledge and the power of learning is about loving yourself and has no timeframe. It is yours for the taking, at any point.
Photo Courtesy: We Heart It