5 Ways To Tone Your Lower Body And Avoid The Perils Of Secretary Butt
Whether you want to run faster, "Whip/Nae Nae" better or simply feel stronger while walking up the stairs, it never hurts to give a little more love to your butt, hips and thighs during a workout.
Neglect your lower body too often, and you risk losing mobility.
According to DailyBurn fitness and nutrition coach Allie Whitesides:
A lot of people sit all day, so they’re not necessarily using their glute muscles. And a lot of people are in the car all the time, so we’re not using our leg muscles much, either.
If all you’ve been doing for your lower body lately is the occasional lunge, it’s time to mix up your routine.
Whitesides says:
Our bodies move in different directions — not in one direction — so it’s important to mimic that during cross-training.
That’s why instead of relying on a pattern of “lunge-squat-repeat,” you might want to throw some plié squats or leg lifts into the mix.
These five moves will help to ensure you never get bored working out your backside.
Do each exercise two days per week, completing three sets of 12 to 15 for a lower body burn that hurts so good.
1. Plié Squat
How to: Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and have your toes pointed out at 45-degree angles.
Keep your back straight, knees over toes, and put your weight in the heels of your feet.
Engage your glutes and thighs as you lower into a deep squat, until thighs parallel to the ground (or as close as you can get them).
Powering through your heels, push up to return to starting position. Repeat.
2. Lateral Step-Out Squat
How to: Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
Keeping toes pointed straight ahead and knees over toes, lower into a standard squat.
Hold that squat position as you take two steps to your right.
Pause, then take two small side steps to your left. Repeat.
3. Plank Leg Lift
How to: Get into a high plank position on the floor, hands planted under your shoulders and your butt down.
Engage your abs by pulling your belly button in toward your spine.
Squeeze your left glute to lift your left leg two inches off the ground, keeping your leg straight.
Tap your left leg out to the side, then back to starting position. Repeat, then switch legs.
4. Fire Hydrant
How to: Position yourself on your hands and knees in tabletop position.
Engage your abs engaged by pulling your belly button in toward your spine.
Keeping your hips pointed toward the ground and leg bent to a 90-degree angle, raise your left knee out to the side as high as you can.
Pause at the top, then return to starting position. Repeat, then switch legs.
5. Lying Leg Lift
How to: Lie flat on your stomach, with your forehead resting on your hands.
Squeeze your left glute, lift your left leg and thigh as high off the ground as you can, keeping your leg straight.
Pause at the top, then lower back down.
Switch legs, repeating 10 times on each leg.
This article was written by Amanda Woerner for Life by DailyBurn.