Creative People Are Made From All The Bad Sh*t That's Happened To Them
We aren’t born creative.
To be creative is to feel the need to create -- and no one is born feeling like he or she needs to create, to change the world.
Instead, we spend our earliest days learning about the world, learning about life and all it has to offer -- both the good and bad.
The most creative individuals in the world are often those who have suffered most. Not by choice, but out of necessity.
People don't choose to have bad sh*t happen to them, but that’s life.
Being creative is arguably the one thing capable of saving us from ourselves.
You reach within yourself when your world is lacking.
Being creative is to create, and to create is to feel the need for change. The only reason people do things -- regardless of what those things may be -- is that they feel they need to.
They feel their current situation is less than ideal and believe if they were to act, they’d be able to change their situation, to create a better version of that particular bit of reality.
People aren’t always the brightest or most analytical, but we’re all logical. We all believe our actions will bring about the result we desire. Whether or not we’re correct in our line of thinking is a different story.
Nevertheless, we do what we do because we want change. We create because we need change.
Some feel a need for small changes while others for great changes. It all depends on the world we live in and our interpretation of it.
The reason creative people are often as creative as they are is that they feel their world is lacking.
They aren’t pleased with the lives they're leading or by their surroundings, so they decide to add their personal touch -- to make the world a better and more beautiful place.
You never understand the true meaning of light until you experience darkness.
You will never fully understand happiness until you understand misery. Human beings, all animals really, understand the world not in its current state, but in the changes that occur within it.
We don’t experience the world that is, but rather, we experience the way things change.
To live is to change, and to be human is to live a life in between those changes. Just as we aren’t capable of feeling velocity but only acceleration, we aren’t capable of fully understanding the beauty in the world until we understand all its ugliness.
The most beautiful works of art utilize contrast to its fullest extent. Contrast depicts change. It makes us feel. It makes us interpret. It makes us better connect and understand.
The most creative individuals in the world are those who have experienced both bliss and misery, both the lightness and happiness that life allows for and the darkness that each of us holds within us.
Your art becomes the perfect outlet for your emotions.
Sometimes we create because we want to change the world. Other times we create because we want to change the way we feel.
The beauty of creativity is that it’s both a selfish and selfless act; we create for others to see, admire and enjoy for themselves, but we also create for ourselves.
Being creative is a great emotional outlet. Much better than the alternative that too many individuals seem to prefer -- being destructive.
There are basically two types of individuals in the world: those who take their emotions and life experiences and use them to create a better world and those who use those same emotions and life experiences to ruin the world.
Both serve as a way of taking our emotions and making them more tangible. Yet, being creative is healthy while being destructive taints you.
Being destructive comes hand in hand with being hateful, and being hateful changes you into a person you don’t want to be.
Pain and suffering make for the greatest inspiration.
I’m sorry, but no one creates because he or she is in a euphoric state. No one gets up, looks around, says his or her life -- the world -- is perfect, and then goes on to create and make changes. If things were perfect, then creativity would die; there would be no need for it.
People create because they are inspired to, because they are moved to do so. Nothing moves people like emotions, and no emotions are quite as powerful as those that result from pain and suffering.
There is no inspiration like the inspiration that comes from understanding the duality of existence -- the good and evil that exists both in the world and in each individual.
Only once you experience such emotions, such a state of being, are you capable of later going back and tapping into it.
This doesn’t mean you need to suffer indefinitely, but it does mean you’ll need to reach back into the memory of those painful moments and, in a sense, relive them from time to time.
You're full of life and experiences.
It’s one thing to create and be creative, but it’s another to do so well. It takes time to develop the necessary skills to create. Likewise, it takes time and experience to create something worth creating.
Being creative is great, but it only reaches its fullest potential when it’s backed with purpose. And no person in the world has purpose the way those who lived a difficult life do.
When you have bad sh*t happening to you on the regular, you either give in and take a beating, or you pull yourself up and fight back.
Creativity is a way of fighting back. It’s a way of refusing to be pushed into the background, refusing to be a passenger in life.
Creativity empowers us; it teaches us about ourselves and our perceptions. It allows us to create a better life, not only for ourselves but for everyone else who comes into contact with those things we create.
Nothing in life is final. Everything is mutable. Creativity is the single driving force in this world that is powerful enough to make it a better place.
If you’ve led a difficult life, don’t be ashamed. Don’t hide. Don’t be withdrawn into yourself, but instead share with the world.
Tell your story. Tell everyone your reason for not giving up and not backing down.
Even if your story can help one single individual out of the darkness, then it’s a story worth telling.
For More Of His Thoughts And Ramblings, Follow Paul Hudson On Twitter And Facebook.