
For The Love Of Freud: 4 Comments Psych Majors Are Tired Of Hearing

by Carissa Morais

Nothing is as annoying as having to explain yourself a million times to well-meaning people who don’t know a thing or two about this “crazy” field called psychology.

Although we’ll admit that the general public’s opinions on psychology are pretty amusing, it’s high time these myths be addressed in order to prevent the new generation of psychology students from turning insane.

“OMG, so can you read my mind? Like, right now?”

This is a deal-breaking statement; it annoys us on all levels. No, we cannot read your mind, and we sure as hell don’t want to for fear of stumbling into awkward fantasies and dirty laundry (nah, just kidding).

Psychology teaches us about the human mind, which does give us a glimpse into the inner workings of humans, but every individual is unique. Therefore, we cannot “read your mind” and tell you about yourself based on your lip twitches and eye movements.

And, no, we do not “hypnotize” people and cause them to reveal any hidden secrets or repressed fantasies, nor are we psychics who can see into your future.

Is everyone clear on where this whole mind-reading thing stands? Good!

“Guess what? I’m 99 percent autistic according to this quiz on Buzzfeed!”

The very fact that you exclaimed such a statement probably suggests 1) you’re not autistic, and 2) you must be senseless to believe a non-clinical test.

The World Wide Web is not lacking resources on psychology quizzes and brain teasers, but that does not mean they're credible.

To get diagnosed, you’ll need to see a certified, practicing clinical psychologist who will test you on a relevant scale. Mind you, most people with psychological disorders don’t know they have a disorder.

So, the next time anyone tells you he or she is bipolar because the Internet said so, be sure to scoot off in the opposite direction.

“So, this means you’re going to work with crazy people?”

Truth be told, there are crazy people everywhere (including the one beside you while reading this).

It’s a terrible misconception that psychologists deal with “crazy people” when psychology is a vast field stretching from clinical/medical to industrial-organizational and even educational sectors.

It is partially true that clinical psychologists have more exposure to clinically “crazy” people. However, let’s not forget that industrial and organizational psychologists probably encounter more crazy people dressed as normal, nine-to-five, degree-holding executives.

To be honest, I don’t know which is scarier.

Since you’ve probably stayed with me up to this point, let me bring you to the final phrase that drives us nuts:

“Can you even get a job with this degree?”

Yes, yes and YES. While not all psychology graduates go on to get their masters degrees and become certified psychologists/therapists, many have climbed the ladder in other areas like advertising, public relations, human resources, business, education and publishing.

Psychology is a vast field, and the exposure to different fields in the study of the liberal arts helps shape a wide range of individuals. Since most universities offer minor- or double-degree options, there are other areas of work in which psychology graduates can flourish.

As much as these statements can become exasperating, we do have to admit, there is quite a dose of humor and comfort in knowing that our specialization brings curiosity to many.

But, please, when you do encounter psychology freshmen or recent graduates, for the love of Freud, don't ask them to read your mind!