6 Things You'll Miss When You Move Out Of Your Parents' House
The time has come for you to finally admit that you're too old to live on your parents' couch. You've outgrown coming home to see homemade comfort foods at the table every night. That phone bill? Yeah, no longer financed by Mom and Dad.
It's time. You're ready to move out.
You're probably not ready to move away from your parents' comfortable abode, but you probably should (if you want any girl you bring home to take you seriously).
Your friends are all living on their own, and you admit to yourself that you're a little jealous. You long for the day when you can come home and lie on the couch without any pants.
Though you'll gain pantsless freedom, there will be several things you will miss once you leave your comfort zone. Here are six examples of growing pains you'll experience when you face the world on your own:
Home-Cooked Meals
You're a liar if you say you don't miss homemade food the first week (month, year) you move out. Even as I've grown older, my wonderful Mom has meals waiting — just not in my personal kitchen.
When you move out, reality kicks in. If you don't cook ahead of time or have something stewing in a slow cooker all day, you'll come home to an empty kitchen. It's sad to be hungry.
Cleaning The Home
It is amazing how much dirt can accumulate in small spaces, even if you don't use the space often. I have diagnosed myself with OCD, so when I lived at my parents' place, I took pride in the pristine state of my bedroom.
But my bedroom was a tiny area compared to a floor plan that includes two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room and dining room. To my surprise and dismay, it's difficult to keep large spaces impeccable all the time.
Bills? What Bills?
This is another aspect of my life from which my parents have sheltered me for too long. When you're living with your parents, you're less familiar with the burden of bills. They look after the mortgage, the hydro and electrical, the groceries and, wait for it, sometimes even your phone bill.
Remember when you used to love seeing mail in the mailbox? Snail mail is so underrated, right? Now, you sigh when you see a letter because you know it's just from a company that needs you to pay.
It was a painful blow to my stomach when I saw my fridge empty for the first time. I mean, sure, I saw my parents' fridge "empty" from time to time, but it was never just filled with water, milk and takeout leftovers from the night before.
They always had food around — so much that I could stare at it and still think, "There's nothing to eat." Then, I'd go back and recheck every five minutes because the claim was obviously a lie. Now? Sadly, not a lie at all.
Home Repairs
My parents' house is perfect. It never needed any repairs. The appliances always worked; the roof never leaked and the water was always hot when I needed it to be. Little fairies who sprinkled fairy dust that engulfed the entire home maintained it. Well, I at least certainly never worried about it.
Now, things are a bit different. There's no more hot water. What happened? And, the heat isn't working. Did I spin the thermostat too high? I don't think it's even on.
The sink is clogged. Do you use a plunger for this, too? You'll miss having everything working. And the first time you clog the shower — with your own hair — they'll be no one for you to yell for who can fix it.
Your Family
This one is clear. No matter what kind of relationship you have, and no matter how much you think the distance will do all of you better, you will miss your family.
I know I do.
But, though I miss my family, I don't look back and wonder why I decided to be a grownup and try to live on my own. It was a decision that will always make me proud. So, go ahead; jump into the great abyss of adulthood. You might learn your parents were right all along: You'll be fine.
Photo Courtesy: We Heart It