
Why Your Addictive Personality Might Actually Be The Best Thing For You

by Dan Scotti

I firmly believe that few things in life are purely good or bad.

I like to think there’s a silver lining behind even the darkest of storm clouds, and still– thanks to Jerry and Robert Hunter – I don’t forget that every silver lining’s got a touch of grey, as well.

It’s a perspective thing.

Sometimes your vantage point, at a given time, simply won’t allow for you to see the true meaning behind one of life’s “curve balls,” so to speak. Say your girlfriend cheats on you, or you get fired from work, for instance.

Sure, life might stop – at least temporarily. But, a lot of times, we’ll look back at traumatic instances and tell ourselves, “Hey, that didn’t work out so bad.”

Maybe after a few brooding months of loneliness and Oasis b-sides you found a better girl – or a better paying job. Suddenly, after some passage of time, you can now see how something you once would have considered “the biggest catastrophe of your life” ultimately turned out to be a benediction.

This concept isn’t solely confined to girlfriends, or jobs, in any event. It’s a mentality that you can transpose to pretty much anything life throws at you. As long as you keep a positive outlook. For me, it’s always been a way for me to cope with something of an “addictive personality.”

I know a lot of people, especially kids in college, love to throw the phrase around, very blasé-like. The fact of the matter is, it’s not just an adjective. In reality, if you asked most doctors in the field, they’d tell you that it’s a psychological setback.

And it might be – but that’s no reason you can’t turn it into your greatest attribute, either. Defined, an addictive personality alludes to someone who is naturally more susceptible to addiction from birth.

Sure, at first glance, it might seem like a fast track to the rehabilitation center. Be that as it may, nowhere in the definition of an “addictive personality” does it mention drugs. Or drug addiction. Or alcohol addiction – or anything detrimental, for that matter.

Just susceptibility to addiction – and a keenness for things in excess.

Take it from me, if you can channel your passions correctly, you’ll crave success as badly as you could any cigarette.

According to, not all people with addictive personalities find themselves hitting rock bottom, in fact, many are leaders in their profession – and it just might be their “psychological setback” that provided the helping hand.

By outlining a few of the notable characteristics of addictive personalities, and channelling them towards positive outcomes – you, too, can change the way you view your own disposition.

You’re passionate about things.

Most of the time, if you have an addictive personality, you will be inherently more passionate than most of your peers. While this might sound like a great thing – be careful – because there’s often a very fine line between passions and obsessions.

Remember, your passion can be your greatest asset, but it can also hinder progress. As long as you make a concerted effort to distribute that passion across a wider field of interests, you’ll avoid becoming fixated on one thing – and one thing only.

On the other hand, whatever you do, don’t suppress your passion. There are always new things to take interest in, so instead of quenching your will to do one thing – apply it somewhere else. But, keep in mind, everything in moderation – even moderation.

You crave excitement.

One of the defining characteristics about an addictive personality is a lust for excitement. This is why, a lot of the time, people with addictive personalities will jump from one “fix” to the next, constantly looking or a source of stimulation.

To ensure that you won’t fall victim to more unfavorable vices, keep yourself busy with constructive activities. If your intentions are to go to, say, medical school – become excited about your career.

Use your habit-forming tendencies to create good habits, like going to the library or educating yourself about your respective practice. If you can get excited about your own aspirations, you’ll also be empowering yourself with each new “fix” you crave.

You take risks.

In consonance with, another similarity between leaders and those with addictive personalities is their affinity for taking risks. Namely, those that challenge them. Of course, like with all risks, there’s certainly a sense of vulnerability that accompanies risk-taking.

Having said that, all successful leaders must have something to lose – and that’s always admirable.

Risks are part of life, and they’re also a part of success. It’s impossible to move forward toward anything in life, if you’re too worried about slipping up and falling behind a few steps. Let your addictive personality provide the motivation to make daring moves, yet always remain self-aware.

If you know you’re the type of person who jumps into things, always watch your own ass, beforehand. Make sure you know the potential consequences of a misstep, and stay ready to pick yourself up if need be.

You value nonconformity.

There is a strong link between nonconformity and addictive personalities. In many instances, those with addictive personalities will view themselves as “rebels,” and seek out behavior that doesn’t exist within the rules of society.

This is a quality that can be executed in either a positive or negative light, the choice is really up to its beholder. Nonconformity is a trait carried by most leaders, especially those in creative fields.

Think of Steve Jobs. While he dabbled with a variety of drugs, and really never wore shoes, he also implemented this brand of nonconformist ideology in the workplace – and changed the world in which he lived in the process.

With that being said, it’s also important to remember that the world does not revolve around you or your train of thought, and not everyone will see your vision.

Be patient. Remain respectful, and over time – if you apply your vision delicately, and develop it – there’s a good chance your once “nonconformist” views will become the norm. Success has a way of changing people’s vantage points.

I told you, it’s a perspective thing.