
7 Ways For The Sleepiest Night Owl To Be More Of An Early Bird

by Jason Parks

Waking up in the morning and envisioning the entire day ahead of you can be a daunting task. Whether you have deadlines to meet, a flight to catch or important meetings to attend, making sure you have a positive outlook for the day ahead is crucial for being able to tackle issues and accomplish goals.

Thomas Sowell, an American economist, said, “The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings.”

Even though Rome wasn’t built in a day, throughout the span of 24 hours, a great deal of work can be accomplished, especially in the morning, before meetings bombard you.

If you wake up with a positive mindset, you will be more likely to have a great day. Jumpstarting your morning with these seven tips will ensure you are starting off the day on the right foot:

1. Wake Up 15 Minutes Earlier

This might sound difficult to pull off, but doing so will provide you with more time to accomplish morning activities.

Whether this is reading the newspaper or grabbing your favorite cup of coffee, you won’t feel rushed when getting ready for the day ahead. The extra cushion of time each morning will make you feel relaxed and put your mind in a better place before you start the workday.

2. Keep Your Alarm Far From Bed

According to Gizmodo, snoozing might release some feel-good chemicals, but ultimately, doing so pulls your body in different directions. The chemical confusion leaves you feeling disoriented and makes it more difficult to get going.

Place your alarm clock on the opposite side of the room so you must get out of bed to turn it off. Ultimately, this will reduce the likelihood that you will fall back to sleep, and will make it easier for you to get going with your day.

3. Write Down Weekly Goals

Being able to visually see your goals before you walk out the door each morning will remind you of what you are working so hard to accomplish.

If you only write down one goal, it can feel daunting to achieve, especially if it's a long-term goal. Writing out a new goal each week will help you to achieve short-term goals.

4. Watch Motivational YouTube Clips

Whether you decide on the famous locker room speech from Al Pacino in "Any Given Sunday" or a motivational clip from Zig Ziglar, short videos will get your mind thinking optimistically. They will provide you with a positive outlook for the day ahead.

5. Have Short Workout Sessions

According to US News & World Report, exercising increases your productivity and gets your endorphins going.

Do a quick set of 25 pushups and 25 sit-ups each and every morning. This will get your heart rate going early in the morning and provide you with more energy.

6. Eat A Healthy Breakfast

According to WebMD, adults need to eat breakfast each day in order to perform at their best. Eating a wholesome, nutritious morning meal will probably save you time in the long run.

By recharging your brain and body, you'll be more efficient in just about everything you do.

7. Plan Ahead

How exactly can you avoid unnecessary situations in the morning that can cause you to be late and disoriented? Plan ahead!

Make your breakfast and select your lunch the evening before. Select your outfit before you go to sleep so you don’t have to spend 10 minutes looking for matching socks to go along with your suit.

If you have to cut back your television consumption by half an hour the evening before, it won’t kill you. It will lead to a more productive start for your day.

Following these tips will provide you with more time in the morning, which will allow you to have a more relaxed mindset. You will be more prepared, motivated and eager to hit a home run when it comes to accomplishing your goals once you leave your home and take on the challenges of the day.