Learning how to multitask is absolutely vital if you want to make it through college without going crazy, and one of the most important skills a student can learn is to make it look like you're paying attention when you're doing something completely different.
I certainly wasn't a model student before I managed to graduate, so I want to make sure people don't think I condone spending tens of thousands of dollars a year to attend classes intent on learning nothing.
However, I don't think there are many people in this world who could successfully sit through lectures in required classes, covering topics they wouldn't otherwise care about, without having some sort of escape.
Anyone can put a phone between his or her legs and look at his or her crotch an inordinate number of times during the course of a class, but I've found the most apathetic students tend to come up with some of the more creative ways to not pay attention in classes.
Here are some of the most impressive efforts in ignoring everything.