Jimmy Kimmel Invented An App To Help White People Make Black Friends (Video)
According to a study published last year (and the video you're presumably about to watch), 75 percent of white people have a grand total of zero black people they'd be willing to call a friend.
I'm sure there are a some sociological explanations for this statistic, just like I'm sure there are a fair number of implications, but I'll leave that discussion up to the people who actually know what they're talking about.
Luckily, if you're bothered by the fact that the only words you use to describe your relationship with minorities is "acquaintance" or "coworker," "Jimmy Kimmel Live" has designed an app called Brothr just for you.
I'm assuming the NSA is still developing the beta, but the idea is simple: You open up the app, find a black person in your area and drop a relatable line to automatically become his or her friend.
If you're one of those racists who's always wanted to say "I have a black friend" but feel morally conflicted about lying, this might be your lucky day.