Cheating Guy's Detailed Excuse For Why He Has A Giant Hickey Is So, So Awful
Most people have probably had to come up with an embarrassing explanation for a hickey.
But this is probably the worst excuse ever made.
A cheating boyfriend has given possibly the weirdest and most ridiculous excuse to his girlfriend after she spotted an unfamiliar mark on his neck.
I've heard it all now. pic.twitter.com/A7EPNhLQbp — Daniel (@MyFavsTrash) September 14, 2016
Wow. Without a care for spelling or believable excuses, he began,
I told my dad Yesterday i was gunna see you to today and he thought it would be funny to jump on me to wake me up and he gave me a hickey.
This boy is not off to a good start. He continued,
I was like really!!!! This bitch is huge!!! My mom said I look like white trash
And he is definitely not the only one who is surprised. I think it's safe to say that most people would be profoundly confused if their father pinned them down and gave them a hickey.
The messages were delivered over Snapchat, and, after an opening a message from his (soon-to-be-ex) girlfriend, Alex quickly assured her, "Babe don't get mad!!"
If I were the girlfriend, I don't know if I would rather him cheat or know his dad really does give him hickeys. Both options aren't exactly good.
I think this guy needs to be dumped.
Citations: Mirror