
Photographer Creates Eerie Scenes Mixing Cities And Natural Disasters (Photos)


We've all seen cities destroyed by unfathomable disasters on the big screen.

Sometimes we see our urban marvels overrun with evil villains and smashed to ruins by monsters.

Other times we see our cities endure natural disasters like a crazy blizzard or the rare and bizarre occurrence of a fierce "Sharknado."

Whatever the case, people tend to get pretty creative when it comes to imagining chaos on the city streets.

The Chicago-based designer and photographer Swopes is certainly no exception when it comes to daydreaming about metropolitan disasters. In her latest visual series on Instagram, she set out to capture chaotic scenes on the streets of Chicago and New York City.

Using only her iPhone, she snaps a variety of urban photos, then adds a dose of eerie editing, which transforms her typical cityscapes into a surreal scene straight out of "The Day After Tomorrow."

Her stunning images show everything from waves crashing through skyscrapers and water rushing through the streets to waterfalls in the East River and a massive moon illuminating the skyline at twilight.

Regardless of which type of havoc she is wreaking on these cities, all of her apocalyptic photos are incredibly mesmerizing.

Take a look at the pictures below to see Swope's amazing surreal city scenes.

Citations: Surrealist Pictures of New York & Chicago (Fubiz)