
This Dubstep Christmas Lights Show Crushes Neighborly Competition (Video)

by Kendall Wood

Featured on ABC's "The Great Christmas Light Fight," the Johnson family's Christmas lights show took the age-old tradition to the next level.

The San Antonio, Texas family started having fun with their yearly Christmas light show in 2013, using custom soundtracks featuring Dubstep, hip-hop, EDM, sound clips from movies and their very own kids.

The mastermind behind the operation, Matt Johnson, uses 100 percent pixel lights, like those seen in the Jumbotrons at your favorite team's stadium, which allows for many more special effects than those from traditional lights.

If you're impressed by the Johnson family's hard work and dedication, they ask fans to consider donating to their "Clean Water Challenge." The proceeds will go to building a well for a village in Africa, which will give clean water to over 300 people per day. Their goal is to raise $10,000.

Check out the full show in the video above, and consider donating to a good cause in support of the Johnson family!

Citations: This Dubstep Christmas Light Show is Every Holiday Rave You've Never Been To (Complex)