
Yes, Please: This Keurig-Like Machine Will Make The Perfect Cocktails (Photos)

by Eitan Levine

Bartesian mixes the ease of K-Cup technology with the fun of getting smashed at a cocktail party.

Unless you're Bruce Wayne or Pippa Middleton, having your own on-call bartender is an extravagance probably outside of your budget.

But thanks to Bartesian: the Ultimate Cocktail Machine, that all changed.

You'll never be sober again.

Using packages similar to K-Cups, Bartesian mixes you a glass of your favorite alcoholic drink.

All you need to do is fill up the four-glass reservoirs with gin, vodka, rum and tequila, choose the drink you want and decide how strong you want it. Then, Bartesian will tell you what kind of cup to put under the alcohol spout.

Press a button, and you're ready to day drink in no time!

This GIF Bartesian made is pretty nifty.

Bartesian cups are made out of real fruit juice and non-alcoholic bitters.

The system also comes with a shaker, so even though you didn't really do anything, you can still look like Tom Cruise in “Cocktail” as you work the e-bar.

Currently, Bartesian is programmed to make six drinks, but in the future, the inventors are planning on expanding the line to any drink involving the four core alcohols.

If you donate at least $249 to the Bartesian Kickstarter, you can reserve your cocktail machine before it gets sold in stores.

This is essentially a real-world Terminator that only hunts people who call themselves mixologists.

Citations: Bartesian the Ultimate Cocktail Machine (Kickstarter)