The Teaser For Euphoria's Next Episode Is Its Most Ominous Yet
Everyone looks miserable.
Euphoria is officially halfway through its second season, so of course, things are getting more unhinged than ever. After pretty much everything fell apart in the final moments of Episode 4, it’s looking bad for everyone as they head into the second half of the season. Look no further than the Euphoria Season 2, Episode 5 promo for all the proof you need that things are taking a dark turn, because it’s probably the show’s most ominous clip yet.
Spoiler alert: This post contains spoilers from Euphoria Season 2, Episode 4. From Cassie throwing up on all her friends in the hot tub to Cal exposing himself (literally) to his whole family, the fourth episode of Euphoria Season 2 was peak cringe-viewing, and all of its awkward moments culminated in massive changes. Cassie’s downward spiral over Nate has reached a new low, Cal has officially left his family behind, and Jules and Elliot have started hooking up behind Rue’s back. But the most jarring moment of all came at the very end, when a drugged-out Rue hallucinated a trippy reunion with her dad at a church service.
The otherworldly scene seemed to hint at Rue possibly dying and being reunited with her father in heaven. Thankfully, the show cut back to reality before ending, showing Rue slow-dancing in her room with her eyes closed. So, she’s still alive, right?
Well... the promo clip for the next episode certainly doesn’t make it seem that way. The teaser is incredibly brief and doesn’t feature Rue at all. Instead, it cuts to shots of every other character crying, most notably lingering on Rue’s mom looking distraught as she comforts a weeping Gia.
It certainly looks like Rue is gone, but there is one aspect of the promo that provides some hope. Laurie, the drug lord Rue has been working with, seems to be speaking to Rue throughout the teaser. Plus, the show likely wouldn’t have included that cut back to Rue dancing in her room if she had really passed away. It’s more likely Rue overdosed again and that’s why everyone is crying, but who knows what’s coming at this point?
Find out what really happened to Rue when Euphoria Season 2, Episode 5 airs Sunday, Feb. 6 at 9 p.m. ET on HBO and HBO Max.