Reese Witherspoon Commemorated 15 Years Of 'Legally Blonde' In The Best Way
By now, most people have watched "Legally Blonde," starring Reese Witherspoon, more times than they probably should have and that's not necessarily a bad thing. But today, you're going to feel a bit older than you'd like to feel.
Witherspoon, who starred as Elle Woods in the Robert Luketic-directed film, took to Instagram to celebrate the 15th anniversary of "Legally Blonde," the breakthrough film that launched Reese Witherspoon's career back in 2001.
The 40-year-old actress's Instagram post reads,
Happiest #LegallyBlonde15! In honor of the 15th anniversary of #LegallyBlonde, go to @instagram's page to see my interview, along with full instructions on how to #BendAndSnap! Also show me what ya got! Use #LegallyBlonde15 to share your celebrations!
That's right, it's been a whole fifteen years since the "bend and snap" was first executed to perfection right before our eyes.
Check out the nostalgic scene below.
Fast-forward to 2016 and Reese Witherspoon is still making sure everyone's got their best "bend and snap" down pat.
In honor of the movie's 15th anniversary, fans started sending in their celebratory photos.
From "Legally Blonde" themed desserts...
...to real-life law school students...
...and law school graduates. Fans showed their support for "Legally Blonde" in a number of ways.
What's an anniversary party without balloons?!
Then the hilarious #BendAndSnap videos started pouring in thanks to Witherspoon's foolproof instructions.
Cheerleaders gave it a try...
A pinked-out dance team...
Even babies showed off their moves!
In addition to teaching Instagram users how to nail the "bend and snap," Reese Witherspoon opened up to the photo-sharing platform about how "Legally Blonde" has changed her life.
When asked if there was a particular moment when she knew Legally Blonde was a hit, Witherspoon revealed,
Definitely the next Halloween going out with my kids and seeing all the little Elle Woods and their stuffed animal Chihuahuas. I was like, Oh this is a thing. And then gay men would dress as Elle Woods! I think that was a tipping point. And then of course when the musical came out it became an even bigger thing. People loved the songs.
As for her vibrant pink outfits worn throughout the film, Witherspoon explains,
I had this really great costume designer, Sophie Carbonell. I had worked with her before. I remember talking about the first outfit -- we really wanted to brand Elle Woods when she arrived at Harvard. So we dressed her all in leather to look like a piece of luggage [laughs]. One of the outfits in the courtroom, we wanted her to look like Elvis, and then in the second movie we wanted her to look like Jackie O when she goes to Washington with the pillbox hat. And then every outfit we made, we of course had to make one for the dog.
For the record, Reese Witherspoon STILL owns all of the outfits and will likely never let them go. What'd you expect?! After all, "Legally Blonde" is the blockbuster hit that really put Witherspoon on the map.
Witherspoon closed out the Instagram festivities with a piece of advice for the diehard "Legally Blonde" fans out there.
Happy birthday to the world's most popular Gemini vegetarian, Elle Woods! Watch the video above to get the inside scoop on this big anniversary.