Margot Robbie Insisted On Her Full-Frontal Scene In Wolf Of Wall Street
But she was still worried about how her family would react.
Margot Robbie is sharing behind-the-scenes details about her breakout role in The Wolf of Wall Street — including her decision to go for a full-frontal nude scene in the movie. During a Nov. 26 episode of the Talking Pictures podcast, Robbie discussed her conversation with director Martin Scorsese leading up to filming the NSFW scene.
“He said, ‘Maybe you can be wearing a robe if you’re not comfortable.’ And I was like, ‘That is not what she would do in that scene. She would not put a robe on,’” Robbie recalled on the podcast. “The whole point is that she’s going to come out completely naked — that’s the card she’s playing right now.”
Still, after filming, Robbie said that she was concerned about how her family would react to the movie. “I was like, ‘How do I explain to my family before they realize that I’ve just done full-frontal nudity?’”
Robbie also explained how she didn’t have high expectations going into the project — especially after she slapped Leonardo DiCaprio while trying out for the role. “I did end up slapping Leo in the audition,” Robbie said. “We started improvising at that point... I was, like, walking closer to him, closer to him, another step closer. In my head, I was like, ‘I could totally kiss Leonardo DiCaprio right now. That would be awesome. I can’t wait to tell all of my friends this.’ And then I was like, ‘Nah,’ and just walloped him in the face.”
According to her, the room was stunned afterward. “It was dead silent for what felt like an eternity but was probably three seconds,” she continued. “And then they just burst out laughing. Leo and Marty were laughing so hard. They were like, ‘That was great. Do that again.’”
But before they reassured her, Robbie was convinced she was doomed. “I was like, ‘You’re going to get arrested, I’m pretty sure that’s assault, battery. Not only will you never work again, but actually you will go to jail for this, you idiot. And so why did you have to do it so hard? You should have done it lighter.’”
Even after getting the part, Robbie was unsure about how much she’d appear in the film. “When I did Wolf of Wall Street, I didn’t think anyone was going to notice me in that movie. I didn’t know if I was going to get cut out of it,” she said. “We shot so much — you always shoot so much for every movie and of course, not all of it makes it but particularly for Wolf because it was such an improvisational and crazy atmosphere and fun. I was like, ‘I don’t know. There’s so much craziness in this movie. I’m just going to be one small part of this big circus.’”