Jesse Tyler Ferguson Reveals Details About 'Modern Family' Season 9 – EXCLUSIVE
If you're anything like me, then you have been counting the days until the Modern Family Season 9 premiere because you know you'll be cackling at your TV screen every Wednesday night for the next few months. The comedy was renewed this past spring through Seasons 9 and 10, and Elite Daily recently got to speak with Jesse Tyler Ferguson — who you definitely know better as the uptight and hilarious Mitchell Pritchett — about the upcoming season of Modern Family and what we can expect to see from the Dunphys and Pritchetts this time around. The actor tells us,
We have a really fantastic season premiere that we just shot on Lake Tahoe. The episode takes place on a houseboat, and it takes place around the time of the eclipse and we're incorporating the eclipse mania into that storyline.
OK, I can already see Luke's dumbass trying to stare straight into the eclipse, so I'm sure the genius writers at Modern Family have found plenty of ways to make us LOL with this eclipse theme. We followed up by asking Jesse which scene from Season 9 is his favorite so far, which I'm sure was hard for him to choose; through bouts of laughter, he tells us,
The whole episode we just shot on Lake Tahoe. There is a moment where we all sit around singing 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' on the roof of this houseboat. It's those rare moments where we all get to hang out; it's rare enough that we get to do a scene as a full cast, but then to be all together on Lake Tahoe doing that scene was a really special moment.
Thinking back on how many of the best scenes from the series have involved every member of the cast in one place together, I can't wait to see how this one plays out. On that note, Jesse spoke with us about how special and fun it was to shoot with the entire Modern Family cast in one place on location in Lake Tahoe. Given the business of their schedules, it's rare that they're all in the same room, so their shoot together offered them plenty of quality bonding time. Jesse says of his time with the cast that has become his family over the past 10 years,
The fun thing about traveling with the cast is, we don't get to hang out as a family, which we really are because we've known each other for almost 10 years now, so to go on vacation with each other in Lake Tahoe was really fun and I enjoyed a lot of fantastic meals with my cast.
Ferguson recently partnered with Pepcid, and thanks to the medication he was able to seize the meal with his cast mates while on "vacation" without having to worry about what he ate. TBH, I'd gladly have heartburn for a year if it meant I got to have dinner with the cast of Modern Family. Fingers crossed, I guess?
All in all, from what Jesse Tyler Ferguson tells us, we can definitely expect to laugh until our stomachs hurt this fall when Modern Family returns and I, for one, can't wait.
Modern Family returns for its final season on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 9:00 p.m. EST.