'Game Of Thrones' International Trailer Has Epic New Footage Of Dragons
Just when we thought there wouldn't be any new Game of Thrones trailers, surprise!
No, you didn't miss something. Said trailer wasn't released here in the states or posted to Twitter. It's the one running on NOVA Cinema in Greece, which is the channel HBO partners with to carry its best content.
Check it out:
This is a much shorter trailer than the one's we're used to, set to Jon Snow's "We have to work together" speech from the second trailer. But note it's slightly different.
Here's the speech from the second trailer:
For centuries our families fought together against their common enemy. Despite their differences: together. We need to do the same if we're going to survive, cause the enemy is real. It's always been real.
This trailer's version:
For centuries our families fought together against their common enemy. Despite their differences. Despite their suspicions. We need to do the same if we're going to survive. Because the enemy is real. It's always been real.
Note the added bit about their suspicions. This convinces me even more he's speaking to Cersei and Jaime.
There's a lot of fun stuff we hadn't seen before: like the Lannister Army facing down Drogon!
Here's The Cavalry Led By Drogon
Here Are The Poor Souls About To Be Run Down
Sorry guys.
Cersei's New Outfit!
Stylish furs! Sansa would approve.
Jaime Lannister, Still Wearing Lannister Armor
No re-promotion to the Queensguard!
Tyrion's Been Manscaping That Beard
He also looks... dare I say it? Sober.
Sad Sansa In The Snow
(As an aside, this totally reminds me of her standing out in the snow in the Eyrie.)
Speaking of Snow...
Snowy Snow, A Real Westerosi Hero
Not pictured: the sound of Jon drawing his sword. This battle is going to be epic.
Game of Thrones Season 7 debuts this Sunday, July 16 at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.