These Are The Last Words Spoken By Every Dead 'Game Of Thrones' Character
If there's one thing we've learned watching "Game of Thrones" over the years, it's the phrase "all men must die" isn't to be taken lightly.
Ever since the honorable Lord Eddard Stark lost his head in season one, episode nine, I've come to realize any character on "Game of Thrones" is capable of biting the dust at any given point.
Yes, some deaths on the hit HBO series have been more epic than others -- here's to you, Joffrey Baratheon -- but in the end, death is death, right?
I'm sure you remember most of the deaths that occurred on "Game of Thrones" from season one to season six, but do you remember the final words spoken by each character before his or her last breath?
Ah, stumped you, didn't I? It's OK to admit defeat, fellow Throner. I didn't know the last words recited by most of these "GoT" characters, either, until I came across this genius post on Imgur.
Thanks to this ardent "Game of Thrones" fan, you can now recall the last words spoken by every dead character who ever set foot in Westeros. Enjoy.
Robert Baratheon
Viserys Targaryen
Syrio Forel
Khal Drogo
Ned Stark
Renly Baratheon
Rodrik Cassel
Qhorin Halfhand
Maester Luwin
Jeor Mormont
Rickard Karstark
Talisa Stark
Robb Stark
Catelyn Stark
Joffrey Baratheon
Lysa Arryn
Oberyn Martell
Gregor Clegane (since brought back to life)
Jojen Reed
Tywin Lannister
Mance Rayder
Barristan Selmy
Maester Aemon
Shireen Baratheon
Stannis Baratheon
Myrcella Baratheon
Jon Snow (since brought back to life)
Doran Martell
Trystane Martell
Roose Bolton
Balon Greyjoy
Arthur Dayne
Alliser Thorne
Three-eyed raven
Brynden Tully
Lady Crane
Rickon Stark
Wun Wun
Ramsay Bolton
Maester Pycelle
Margaery Tyrell
High Sparrow
Tommen Baratheon
Walder Frey
Lyanna Stark
Valar morghulis.
Citations: Every Last Word Spoken by Dead Characters (Imgur)