This 'Harry Potter' Shoot Will Make You Want To Slytherin Bed With The Model
The first "Harry Potter" book came out nearly 20 years ago. The first movie came out nearly 15 years ago.
I'm telling you this to make it clear original "Harry Potter" fans are proud to say they are all perfectly legal adults, thank you very much.
Which is why it's TOTALLY FINE for us to enjoy this, erm, rather adult "Harry Potter" boudoir photo shoot.
Yes. Good. Very much approve of this. Yes.
This is the best idea anyone's ever had. I give full credit to the photographer, 34-year-old Sarah Hester, and the model, 24-year-old Zachary Howell.
The two met at a local photography meetup in Oklahoma City.
In an interview with BuzzFeed, Sarah revealed the whole "Harry Potter" boudoir idea started as a joke between them. She said,
I started calling him 'Harry' because I could NOT remember his name. I jokingly asked if he would be willing to shoot a 'Harry Potter' boudoir session and he was into the idea! We set up the shoot for a week later.
Well, God bless you, Sarah, for you are dedicated public servant to Potterheads everywhere.
And god bless Zachary Howell, who is apparently a big Potterhead himself.
In an interview with Metro.co.uk, Zachary said,
As for portraying Harry, well honestly I love the 'Harry Potter' series and had worked in some film, so I love acting. With the shoot we didn't expect so much, but I just thought about how much Harry wanted Ginny.
After getting picked up by several outlets, Sarah and Zach's shoot went viral in less than day.
So don't feel weird about it, fangirls and fanboys!
I give you permission to ogle this Harry's wand in all it's glory. (And I don't mean the Warner Bros. toy from Walmart he's holding. That part does make me feel kind of weird.)
Someone accio me a cool towel because I'm sweating buckets right now.
How many wand/penis jokes is one allowed to make in a single post? Asking for a friend.
It's like, I know those are toys sold on the Warner Bros. website, but I'm still so turned on.
OK, at first I laughed a little when I saw those "Harry Potter" boxer-briefs...
...and then I wasn't laughing as much.
Yeah, definitely not laughing at all now.
Today is truly a beautiful day for "Harry Potter" fans.
Citations: Magical Harry Potter boudoir shoot makes you think about the wizard in new ways Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/10/17/magical-harry-potter-boudoir-shoot-makes-you-think-about-the-wizard-in-new-ways-6197293/#ixzz4NNE5BMDo (Metro.co.uk), Stop What You're Doing And Look At This Hot Harry Potter Boudoir Shoot (BuzzFeed)