Erich’s Ex Had A Warning Message For Gabby After The Bachelorette Finale
Even though The Bachelorette filming technically ended, there’s still plenty of tea being spilled. On Sept. 14, things got messy when Erich Schwer’s ex-girlfriend Amanda Kaylor shared some unflattering texts Schwer allegedly sent her — messages that implied Schwer went on the show ~for the wrong reasons~. On the Sept. 20 finale, Schwer addressed the screenshots and apologized, but apparently, Kaylor wasn’t satisfied with his remarks. On Sept. 21, she vented to Us Weekly about the whole messy sitch, and she had a brutal warning message for Gabby Windey, aka Schwer’s now-fiancée.
OK, to backtrack a little, let’s start with the leaked texts. Before filming the show, Schwer apparently said the show wasn’t “real,” claiming he was only joining the cast for his career. “I know this isn’t ideal, I wanted to do this to see if there was something else I could do with my life,” Schwer allegedly wrote to her. “I really like you Amanda. I didn’t think it would be a big deal but I understand how you feel, I’m sorry and I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.” Oof.
It’s not shocking, then, that Kaylor thinks Schwer can’t be trusted. She told Us, “He sent me two dozen roses two weeks after I ended things because I didn’t wanna stay with him while he went on the show... With a note saying, ‘I’ll never stop thinking about you.’” Kaylor added, “[His comments on the finale] are such bullsh*t but wish them the best. She will learn.”
It wasn’t always so cold between them. “We were obsessed with each other,” Kaylor said to Us. “Every single day that month he was texting me, ‘I need to be with you, I need to see you.’” She added, “We really enjoyed each other. [His going on the show] came out of nowhere completely and really crushed me, and him and I were going back and forth on how upset we were.”
After watching the finale, Kaylor reportedly posted a few photos of Schwer on her Instagram Story with the note: “Same tricks different girl.” (She has since gone private on Instagram.)
Though Kaylor might not have believed him, during The Bachelorette: After the Final Rose, Schwer did admit to his wrongdoings. “I realized it was not a connection long-term, and it was around the time the show began,” he said of his relationship with Kaylor. “I led her on. It’s a mistake I made on my part.”
He continued, “I was taking the cowardly way out and using the show as an excuse. I came into this thinking maybe I’ll make it past night one and see what happens. I met Gabby on the first night and everything changed.” So, um, does Windey buy it? She called him “kind of an a**hole” for how he treated Kaylor, but said she does forgive him.
Well, here’s hoping this is the last of the Bachelorette drama.