
9 Drake And Rihanna Lyrics To Help You Get Over Their Breakup

by Rosa Escandon

Remember last week?

Yes, American politics were on fire. Yes, America was full of existential dread. Yes, poverty, unemployment and clown fear still lived in our hearts.

But there was something still good, something still pure. There was Drahanna (a celebrity nickname that, unfortunately, did not take off like I wanted it to).

Drake and Rihanna were beautiful. They gave us all goals. Just look at them.

Pure beauty.

I am crying over the death of love.

They were a light in a dark world.

And now that little light is gone, you are probably going to want to ugly cry it out. Thankfully, Drake and RiRi have been making perfect breakup music for years.

1. Drake: "If I ever loved you, I'll always love you... That's how I was raised."

Ugh, he is always going to love her even when they aren't together. My heart hurts.

2. Drake: "I gave your nickname to someone else.... I miss the feeling of you missing me."

Moving on is so hard. There might be girls in the future, but that feeling of love might not ever leave.

3. Drake: “One of my baddest women ever, I call her Rihanna."

Well, this is technically a Rick Ross song, but Drake isn't afraid to tell everyone his feelings. He will scream her name from the rooftops. I guess Rick Ross will also be there.

4. Rihanna: "Not really sure how to feel about it. Something in the way you move makes me feel like I can't live without you."

But he can't stay! Fun fact, that bathtub RiRi is in is filled with tears.

5. Drake: “I won't have affairs, I'm yours, girl.”

But are you? Because if I hear one thing about you breaking RiRi's heart, I will burn a Blue Jays jersey on my front lawn. She has been through enough.

6. Rihanna: "Hand in the air as he waved me goodbye. He say he care but no tears in his eyes."

This is when you start getting mad. Tears start drying, and then you want to know why Drake messed up. OK, that's unfair. We don't know what actually happened between them. But we have to get mad at someone.

7. Rihanna (on Drake's song): "If you let me, here's what I'll do. I'll take care of you... I've loved and I've lost."

OK enough anger, back to tears. Why are they so perfect? I mean if they can't find love (hopeless place or not), how the hell are the rest of us supposed to function?

8. Drake: "Who could have predicted Lucky Strike would have you stuck with me? What happened between us that night, it always seems to trouble me."

OK, let's remember the good times. Rihanna and Drake were first spotted making out in 2009 in a Lucky Strike. We were all so innocent back then.


You are sleeping on how deep "Work " is. Everyone was just making fun of how it "didn't sound like lyrics." But "Work" is low-key the ultimate love song. It's about being there and working on a relationship. Working on yourself, working together... Oh no, now I'm crying to "Work."

If you need me, I will be watching Drake and Rihanna music videos alone in my room.