
Chrissy Teigen On How Instagram Makes Her Feel "Insanely Inadequate" Is So Relatable

by Kelli Boyle
Rachel Murray/Getty Images

Chrissy Teigen isn't shy about her body, and she's not shy to talk about her insecurities, either. At Beautycon this week, Chrissy Teigen's thoughts on Instagram came to light when she said all of the photo editing and face-changing apps make her feel "insanely inadequate." She said to the Beautycon crowd,

There have been times I've cried to John, where I felt like I would just never have 'that' body. I've definitely been really upset with… you know, everyone has a butt now, everyone has curves, and a little waist, and that's not me.

Same, Chrissy. Same. I can't speak for anyone else, but there have been plenty of times when I've found myself comparing my looks and my body to the seemingly perfect Instagram models and being harsh on myself for not looking like them. It's one of the negative effects social media has on the body image conversation, and it clearly affects Teigen just as much as anybody else. Of course, as Teigen said herself, there are a lot of apps to help people change the way their faces and bodies look. But that doesn't always change how people feel about body image. Teigen added,

My old *ss will go on social media, and I will look at the Photoshopping, Facetuning, and the apps — and everything that goes into creating what is now a hit Instagram photo — and I feel insanely inadequate.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with editing your photos if that's how you choose to express yourself. If it makes you feel good, do it! But what Teigen seems to be talking about here is the fact that there are people who feel the need to edit their photos and change how they look in order to fit into impossible beauty standards, and she feels the pressure of that herself. She added,

I'm in a weird phase where I'm jealous of those bodies, but I also really want to be cool with my own body. I really want to be that person for you all, that says, 'You don't need that f*cking sh*t.'...I've been on shoots. I've been naked-to-naked with people. I will say that everyone has a stretch mark. Every time I see that other stretch mark, I'm like, 'Girl, yes!' It makes me feel better, and if more of us did that kind of sh*t, how many people would feel better?

Girl, yes! Chrissy Teigen might be the queen of Twitter and a champion of being real about female body topics like period skin, but that doesn't mean she doesn't struggle with her own body image. And it's comforting to have someone with such an effective platform like hers speaking out in support of women who are still going through their own struggles.