This Britney Spears Fan Spends $500 A Month Trying To Look Like Her
Bryan Ray, who is 31, has been obsessed with Britney Spears since he was 17 years old.
He loves the singer so much he ~literally~ wanted to become her -- so he spent $80K on plastic surgery to try to cop her iconic look.
Ray received a nose job, teeth veneers, fat injections, laser hair removal, lip fillers and Botox injections -- just to name a few.
On top of that, he spends $500 a month on lotions and creams to maintain his youthful glow.
To which I say: What the FUCK?
Am I managing my money properly? There's not a chance in hell I can find an extra $500 a month just for my skincare regime. Like most Americans, my money goes to food, rent and a crippling addiction to scratch off lottery tickets (I need help).
If you're wondering what lucrative career Bryan has, he runs a marijuana edibles company in California.
He told DailyMail,
I love making modifications to my face and body with the art of plastic surgery, fillers & countless other cosmetic procedures. Ever since I was young there was something about Britney Spears and the qualities she had that I thought was the perfect package. I was obsessed, I watched all her interviews, learned all her choreography and then paid to have the same perfect smile as, I felt that during that time we were very similar. In the beginning, I was trying to look like Britney Spears, my surgeons who designed my veneers asked me which celebrity smile I wanted to base mine on and it was hers. Now with my looks, I want to get into modeling, I love impersonating Britney Spears so I want to continue doing that and see where it takes me.
Here is a #TBT picture he posted with his idol, whom he's met three times.
Ray's main focus is preserving his youth and until we locate the fountain of youth, he'll settle for Botox. He said,
One of my primary goals is to preserve my youth for as long as possible, I don't want any facial or body hair as it will age me. I've fully avoided wrinkles, Botox has been my best friend throughout my journey to prevent aging, even today people think I'm younger than I am.
I don't think I've ever loved someone enough I wanted to look like them... except myself and even then, it's only a "kinda."
Citations: This Obsessed Fan Has Spent Over $80K On More Than 90 Procedures To Look Like Britney Spears! (Perez Hilton)