
Twitter Tributes To Adele After Canceling Final Shows Prove Her Fans Are The Best

by Danielle Valente
Christopher Polk/Getty Images

There's a fire starting in our hearts, Adele, reaching a fever pitch that's bringing us out of the dark.

Fans of the 25 singer were beside themselves when she took to Facebook to announce the cancellation of her final shows on July 1 and 2. Though the star's vocal chord damage caused a rift in her performance schedule, it wasn't going to be enough to break fans' spirits.


Many turned the tables on Adele — if she couldn't sing for them, they'd sing for her.

Have a look at some of these videos that have circulated on social media under the hashtag #SingForAdele.

Though the cancellation of her July 1 and 2 shows at at London's Wembley Stadium —  which would've concluded a four-show run at the venue and what Billboard points out would have been a 15-month tour throughout Europe, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand  — left fans disappointed, they found a way to celebrate.

In a lengthy Facebook post, Adele apologized for the choice she had to make at her doctor's discretion.

"To say I'm heartbroken would be a complete understatement," she wrote to fans. She promised refunds if rescheduled performances couldn't be arranged.

Though broken-hearted, fans took to Twitter to show their support for Adele.

While #WeLoveAdele and #SingForAdele have been making the rounds on the Twittersphere, there have been plenty of ticket holders who have had less than kind words to say.

Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep...

According to NPR, this isn't the first time Adele has cancelled shows after damaging her vocal chords. Six years ago, she cancelled shows in order to have throat surgery.

Though upsetting, perhaps what's most worrisome of all is the star's thoughts on performing. Supposedly, while performing at Wembley, fans received this handwritten note in their programs that said our beloved vocalist might never perform live again.

"Thank you for coming, for all of your ridiculous love and kindness. I will remember all of this for the rest of my life. Love you. Goodnight for now," it reads.

Our hearts, Adele, our hearts! We need you!

Though the singer has previously commented on touring, saying she's not sure if it's "her bag," many of us cannot accept that we might never hear her live again.

You have our hearts inside of your hand, Adele. We wish you well... and that you're just playing a cruel prank on us with this whole "not touring ever again" thing.