23 Tweets About The Struggle Of Finding A Boyfriend That'll Make You Say 'Same'
I am in a relationship currently, but, as someone who was not in a relationship for the first 22 years of her life, I am also more than a little familiar with the struggle of finding a boyfriend.
I know what it's like to be so incredibly single, you catch yourself fantasizing about your middle school crush and wondering if you should accidentally drunk text him on Friday night.
I know what it's like to be going through such a long dry spell that you'll take legit anything.
I know what it's like to be so single that the thought of having a boyfriend seems just about as plausible as Chrissy Teigen and John Legend breaking up.
I get it.
And when you're that single, it's nice to know some other people are in it with you.
So read these tweets and rejoice in knowing that, even though you're technically alone, you're not like REALLY actually alone... you know what I mean.
When a guy's parents like you more than he does.
When you like the chase more than the person.
When you are the only one standing in your own way.
When you'd rather die alone than be rejected.
When classical literature messed up your expectations for good.
When you're too socially aware for your own good.
When your ex has moved on and you, like, REALLY haven't.
When you're just over it.
When you make an effort and it's not even worth it.
When you have some weird deal-breakers.
The most adorable guy sent me a msg using the wrong "your" & I stared at it for WAY too long before responding. #SingleForeverpic.twitter.com/GTxNcv7R0x — Désirée (@Melowsh) February 9, 2017
When all you want is a boyfriend who gives you granola bars.
When you attract the worst guys ever.
When you know you're your own problem.
When you love cheesecake more than you could love any man.
When you only attract total creepazoids.
Never speak to me again, please. #singleforeverpic.twitter.com/5ZSyrXzqBv — Megan Nourse (@MeganNourse) February 8, 2017
When his bad grammar just murders you inside.
When the types of men you attract genuinely scare you a bit.
When you know what a catch you are.
When you've got some rando who won't leave you alone.
When the guy just doesn't get the hint. #datingproblems#singleforeverpic.twitter.com/W7lKuOM2Sw — Sara Siegel (@sarabara6) January 11, 2017
When a wedding seems like legit the most distant dream ever.
When you can't talk to a guy for more than two minutes.
When your Tinder match unmatches you.
When you value staying in more than finding love.
...and you thought you were the only one.