Send Your SO These Texts On Thanksgiving If You're Apart And Wish You Weren’t
It’s the thought that counts.
In an ideal world, you would be able to spend every holiday with all of your loved ones. But that’s not always the case. For big holidays like Thanksgiving, there’s a good chance that you and your partner will have to celebrate separately. And although it might feel bittersweet to ring in the holiday without your partner, there are other ways to connect over Thanksgiving — even if you can’t bond over a plate of pumpkin pie. All it requires is some creative texting skills. Especially if you’re apart, sending texts to your partner on Thanksgiving is a great way to remind them you’re still thinking of them.
“Definitely text or call your partner if you are celebrating holidays separately,” Meredith Prescott, LCSW and relationship and couples therapist, recommends to Elite Daily. A quick note to let them know they’re on your mind can go a long way. “When people are apart for certain holidays or milestones, they tend to be more vulnerable. It can be triggering when people are asking, ‘Where is [your partner’s name]? What is happening with your significant other?’”
“Having that extra reassurance and contact can help you and your partner feel less alone, and it gives you a chance to plan something fun together when you are back in the same place,” Prescott adds.
That doesn’t mean you have to send your partner a poetic paragraph to tell them how thankful you are for them (though please feel free to go that route if that’s what your heart desires). Casual texts work, too Here are 20 ideas your partner will gobble right up.
Punny Texts
- Pie miss you cranberry much.
- Carve out some time to call me later.
- You’re so ~gravy~.
- Not to be too corn(bread)y, but I love and miss you!
- I yam busy wishing you were here.🍠
Flirty Texts
- You’re the stuffing to my turkey... get it? I want you inside of me. 😉
- Get ready to feast your eyes on me. Sending a selfie in 3, 2, 1...
- I’m so full, I need to unbutton my pants. Wish you were around to help.
- Hope I get to see you soon, cutie pie.
- If I had a wishbone, I’d ask for you to be here with me.
Grateful Texts
- I’m so thankful for you. I love us.
- The only thing that could make this Thanksgiving better would be if we were celebrating together.
- Everyone was going around the dinner table, saying what they were thankful for, and all I could think about was you.❤️
- Today and every day, I’m so thankful for the life I have with you.
- Thankful for you and for the fact that I actually have an answer this year for when my grandparents ask where my boyfriend is.
Thoughtful Texts
- How’s your family dinner going? Wish I could be celebrating with you all!
- Already thinking about how we can spend the holiday together next year. How do you feel about going to two Thanksgiving dinners?
- Never forget how much I adore you.
- What does your ideal Thanksgiving look like? Mine would definitely be spent with you.
- I’m bringing you home a piece of this apple pie. It’s *almost* as sweet as you.😘
IMO, a cute text exchange over the holiday is just one more thing to be grateful for. And remember, no matter how you decide to keep in touch with your SO over Thanksgiving or what kind of text you decide to send, the most important thing is to show your partner you care. Happy celebrating (and texting)!