
Expert Reveals What It Means To Have An Actual Orgasm During A Sex Dream
by Candice Jalili
This week we have Alexa* who had a sex dream about the father of her former friend's child:
I had a sex dream this morning about an ex-friend's ex-boyfriend/baby daddy. I haven't seen these people in years. I'm not even attracted to him. However, the dream was very detailed and felt too real. I orgasmed in my sleep. What does my dream with him mean?
I orgasmed in my sleep.
Here's Lauri's interpretation:
The people and things that appear in our dreams sure can seem random, can't they? Well let me assure you, nothing in our dreams is random... like ever!
Nothing in our dreams is random... like ever!
You can always make a connection between the people in your dreams to your current life. Here's how: When you think of the person (in your case, your ex-friend's ex-boyfriend), what are the first three things that come to mind? Was it the pain he caused your friend? Was it a particular personality trait? Maybe he reminds you of a particular character in a movie?
Got the three things? OK, now see if any of those three qualifiers kind of fit you or your current circumstances. Whatever it is, there is SOMETHING about him that has stuck with you. There is something about him or something about the time he and your ex-friend were in your life that feels similar now.
Whatever it is, there is SOMETHING about him that has stuck with you.
Now, you may also be wondering why it was a sex dream. Sex dreams, you see, are rarely about a physical union you want but rather a psychological union you need. Our dreaming minds use sex to tell us that we need to merge an attribute of our dream lover into our own personality or behavior. Sex is the ultimate union after all. So, the one trait that comes to mind when you think of your ex-friend's ex-boyfriend is what you have taken on or need to take on as your own right now. And let's not forget about the orgasm! The body does not know the difference between a dreaming event or a waking event, so its reactions to dream stimuli will be the same as reactions to waking life stimuli. And if the dream content is sex, the brain sends the message to our lady friend down below and… BAM! You have been the proud recipient of a wet dream.
And if the dream content is sex, the brain sends the message to our lady friend down below and… BAM!
We've all had the random sex dream here and there, but to actually orgasm during your sex dream is pretty dang interesting.
I mean, first and foremost, we now know once and for all from a dream expert: WOMEN CAN HAVE WET DREAMS, TOO.
But also I think it's interesting to note that even though she orgasmed in her sex dream with him, it doesn't necessarily mean Alexa has feelings for this random dude.
No, it just means something about her psychologically that craves something that reminds her of him.
I hope Lauri's interpretation was helpful to Alexa and anyone else who might have had a similar dream.
*Names have been changed.