11 Obvious Signs A Guy Likes You That We All Overanalyze Anyway
I've always thought having a little bit of a guard up at the beginning of a relationship was a good thing. You don't want to fall too hard too fast and end up getting hurt.
That being said, you can't let your guard end up blinding you to what's literally right there in front of you — the fact that a guy really likes you.
Honestly, I think my biggest problem when it came to relationships was that I would assume it wasn't going to work out, so it inevitably wouldn't work out.
I would brush aside OBVIOUS signs that a guy liked me as no big deal just to make sure I wasn't falling too hard for someone who might not feel the same way.
Eventually, I taught myself to stop doing that, and you know what? My love life got SIGNIFICANTLY better.
So I'm here now to give you the same little gift of knowledge. Here are 11 signs he likes you that you just need to stop overthinking and take for what they're worth:
1. When he texts you something simple, like "hi" or "yo"
What you tell yourself: "That text took literally no effort. It doesn't mean anything."
Why you're wrong: What would've taken no effort would've been him not texting you at all. But he didn't do that. He likely doesn't want to come off too strong, but he still wants to initiate a conversation with you... because he LIKES you.
2. When he meets up with you and your friends late at night by himself
What you tell yourself: "He just wanted to hook up."
Why you're wrong: He could've told you to come meet up with him instead or told you to come over to his place when you were done.
Also, I guarantee that wherever he went out with his friends, he could've easily found someone to hook up with if that's all he wanted. But no, this guy went out of his way to LEAVE his own friends and come meet up with you guys simply because he wanted to hook up with you.
3. When he brings his friends to where you and your friends are
What you tell yourself: "We were doing something fun, so they just wanted to come do that, too."
Why you're wrong: He had to actively convince his friends to do whatever you guys are doing. And in doing so, he had to explain to them who you are and why it's so integral for them to come hang with you and your friends, who are complete strangers to them.
4. When he texts you to make sure you come to the party he already invited you to on Facebook
What you tell yourself: "He just wants people to come to his party."
Why you're wrong: He already invited you on Facebook. The follow-up indicates he doesn't just want people to come to his party, he wants YOU to come to his party.
5. When he remembers something you had in your calendar
What you tell yourself: "I told him I was going to this party on Tuesday, and he remembered... so what?"
Why you're wrong: He's paying attention to what your calendar looks like so he knows when he can make plans with you.
6. When he goes along with something you wanted to do
What you tell yourself: "I wanted ice cream, and he came along even though he hates ice cream. It doesn't mean he likes me, it just means he had nothing better to do."
Why you're wrong: Having nothing to do is an extremely rare and precious luxury for any adult. It's your chance to do literally WHATEVER you want with your time.
So why would he spend that time doing something he doesn't even like? Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because he'd be doing it with a person he likes.
7. When he remembers something you told him that you forgot you ever even mentioned
What you tell yourself: "He's just a good listener."
Why you're wrong: He's listening attentively because he likes you and is genuinely interested in everything you have to say — even the dumb boring details.
8. When he makes fun of you for every little thing (TO A DEGREE)
What you tell yourself: "Like me? He HATES me. All he does is make fun of me."
Why you're wrong: OK, this one is tricky. If literally all he does is make fun of you, you might be right in that he doesn't like you. But if you do get some real, genuine moments of kindness from him, you can rest assured HE LIKES YOU.
9. When he does something nice for you without asking
What you tell yourself: "He's just nice."
Why you're wrong: He's not just nice, he's nice to you.
10. When he hangs out with you without wanting to hook up
Why you're wrong: He actually likes you for — wait for it — more than your body.
11. When he still makes an effort to see you, even though you're sick
What you tell yourself: "He just didn't want to bail on our plans."
Why you're wrong: This is the BEST excuse for him to bail or flake on you if he wanted to... but he didn't. Why not? Because he LIKES YOU, YOU DUMMY.
So stop making your own life miserable, you guys.
He likes you! He really, really likes you. Just accept that fact and enjoy it.