
Grooms Reveal The Craziest Fights They Had With The Mother of the Bride

by Jen Glantz

If you thought wedding drama was all about the bride and the bridal party, you are seriously wrong.

Fights can break out at any time from anyone. If you think you're safe from drama because you live far away from the bride and the groom, you're wrong. You never know when the phone will ring with an angry person on the other end, mad at you about something you did or didn't.

But one duel you wouldn't think would bring much drama to the table — but sometimes does — is the dynamic between the groom and the mother of the bride.

Wondering what in the world they're fighting about? Check out what these five grooms said about the craziest fights they had with the mother of the bride.

1. We fought over cake.

I went to a bakery with my fiancée's mom. It was our job to pick out the cake since my fiancée was traveling that week for work, and it needed to be done. I picked out a cake that was chocolate peanut butter, and her mom told me I couldn't have that as the cake because people could be allergic to peanuts. I tried to tell her I didn't care because it was MY wedding cake, and if THEY can't eat it, they won't eat it. She called me selfish, immature and childish. I called her the B-word. This was only a month ago, and we haven't spoken since.

— Marty, 36

I called her the B-word. This was only a month ago, and we haven't spoken since.

2. We fought over the guest list.

At first, my fiancée's mom told us she was inviting 65 people, and we were happy with that number. Then a month later, when we showed her the seating arrangements, she flipped out and said, "No, not 65 people, 65 couples." That was double what we had planned for. I asked her to pay the difference, and she refused. We got into a screaming fight so loud at Starbucks, the people at the tables around us left. She still won't pay for them.
She still won't pay for them.

— Ruben, 29

3. We fought over money.

My wife's mom has a lot of money. She's very wealthy. My parents don't have much. My wife and I were just starting out in our careers, so our bank accounts were low. Her mom told us she'd give us $50k for the wedding. So we started planning, and then, she changed her mind and said my parents should be giving money too. I tried to tell her the tough life my parents live with their financial state and she called them "cheap." I literally lost it on her. This caused a whole war between me, my wife and her mom before we got married. Now, things are fine and we've recovered, but I'll never forget how much of a monster she was.
Things are fine and we've recovered, but I'll never forget how much of a monster she was.
She ended up giving us the $50k for the wedding, and my parents didn't give anything because they couldn't. They don't know she called them cheap.

— Darren, 31

4. We fought over the bride.

Her mother sat me down and told me she didn't want her daughter marrying me. How nice is that? I told her I don't care what she wants; we're getting married. We ended up eloping. Her mom didn't come and still won't talk to her.
We ended up eloping. Her mom didn't come and still won't talk to her.
I don't think I'm that bad of a guy? I have a job. I have hobbies. I'm a good guy. Whatever.

— Brian, 27

5. We literally fought over nothing.

I think we started fighting because we were both tired and hungry while venue shopping. We were planning a destination wedding, so the three of us flew to Mexico to look for a great spot for the wedding. Her mom was pissed we weren't doing the wedding in NJ because she wanted to invite all her friends. She literally bitched at me in a hotel in Mexico.
She literally bitched at me in a hotel in Mexico.
My wife — then fiancée — ran to the bathroom to cry because she was embarrassed by her mom. She went Momzilla on me all because she didn't want us getting married in Mexico. She had full-blown temper tantrums, like, WTF?

— Jerry, 41