Dating, Decoded is a monthly advice column about single life, dating, sex, and relationships geared toward Gen Z. Written by Sarah Ellis — Elite Daily’s Senior Editor of Entertainment and Dating and a double water sign who lives in her feelings — Dating, Decoded offers practical advice while reminding readers they already have all the tools they need to find happiness and confidence in their love lives. Have a question for Sarah? Submit it here.
I Want To Date Women, But I’m Too Scared To Start. Help!
Do I need to mention on dates that I’ve never done this before?
Should I Try To Salvage My Dying Situationship?
Part of me thinks this is stupid, but the other part of me just wants to send the text.
How Do I Find Hot Hookups These Days? Don’t Say Dating Apps
I’m barely interested in anyone on Hinge or Bumble, and I’m not trying to be a pen pal.
Help! My Ex Just Added Me On Co–Star
During Mercury retrograde, no less.
My Boyfriend Wants To Have Sex With Other People. Are We Doomed?
For now he says he wants to be with me... but I’m jealous of the safety my friends have in their relationships.
My Recent Ex Keeps Reaching Out. How Do I Set A Boundary?
I want to keep talking to her, but it feels like it’s only hurting us both.
I’m Shy About Dating. How Do I Make The First Move?
I caught feelings for someone, but I don’t know how to tell him.
Is It OK To Be Hooking Up With Multiple People At Once?
I’m having fun with my FWB, but I also want to keep dating.