
'Strong Is The New Pretty' Is The Book All Women (And Men) Need Right Now

by Danielle Valente
Kate Parker

There's nothing more fearless than a strong woman (or little girl!).

On the heels of International Women's Day — and right in time for Women's History Month — photographer Kate Parker embraces all there is to love about being a lady with her first book, "Strong Is The New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves."

Kate Parker

Strong Is The New Pretty, $12, Amazon 

Whether photographing a woman fighting cancer, a young girl rocking out on her guitar or a female serving in the armed forces -- Parker made sure to feature women at their strongest points.

Women and girls are strong — that's not new.

She traveled across the country to find her sources, but her inspiration began at home.

When capturing moments with her daughters, Ella, 11, and Alice, 8, Parker realized her best snapshots came when the girls were just being themselves — dirty, feisty, silly and so on.

Kate Parker 

Like their mother, the girls love and admire the US women's soccer team. Their favorite singer is Daya because of her positive message for females and they certainly aren't afraid of a little mud -- and that's just the way Parker likes it.

The photographer and author told Elite Daily,

Women and girls are strong — that's not new. But it's convincing them that their strength has value and is worth expressing is something that can take some work. So it's a message that bears repeating.
Kate Parker

She has no problem letting the girls know they are strong and beautiful just the way they are — despite what something on social media might tell them.

In a time when women's rights are being questioned and females might not always be respected the way they should, Parker lets us know why both men and women need her book on their shelves.

Kate Parker

She said,

We all need reminding of our own power and strength. We all forget that what makes us different is what makes us amazing and that embracing that part of ourselves is where the magic is!

Regardless of what makes you, you — whether it's the fact that you play a "man's" sport, you aren't afraid to take risks or you're a girly-girl through and through — Parker reminds you to embrace those qualities.

She said,

[The book is] something for them to look at, to read, to take in and internalize that they don't need to change, add a filter or be someone or something else to be beautiful. They already are.
Kate Parker

You do you, girl. And if you need a little inspo, take it from Parker:

I can be overly cautious, and anxious and reluctant to try or do new things. But, I try never to let fear dictate my life. Strong, to me, is facing something that scares you and doing it anyway. Courage isn't the absence of fear, it is being afraid and doing it anyway.
Kate Parker

Citations: Photographer: 'Wild girls should be allowed to be wild' (CNN)